Cant figure out the breed of this Chicken....Help!


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2015
I cannot tell what breed this bird is. I was told when it was about a month younger by some on here that it was a Red Sex Links Rooster.....I am not sure its a rooster nor that it is a RSL either....Can anyone shed some light on this? Here are some photos of it...

Where was the bird sourced from? My thought is mixed breed, but with the size and if it came from a hatchery it's one of the Pioneers or Rainbows. Looks like a pullet, also.
I bought it from the devil himself...Tractor bought a bunch of BO, or so I thought, from TSC but after about only a week or two I realized two of them were defiantly NOT BO's...the two that were not BO are both twice the size of the BO's, and obviously one of them is the one in question now.....The other "mistake" is now looking like a RIR or Red Sex Link...I will post her pic now too since I am not 100 percent on her breed either.....


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