can't figure out what kind of hens I got at TSC

I looked at your pics, hangingwiththepeeps, she could be a pic of mine. After looking mine over again I'm pretty sure they are a barred production black Probably what Ideal calls Barred Hollands ( I think our TSC uses Ideal but I'll have to check for sure).

I am really confused about the sex links. My gs was told his would be "dominiquers" (4 h) but they are anything but. I have a lot of cataloques and pics of different breeds but unless you have the info from the hatchery used these little chicks in the store aren't really identifiable without fail, are they?

Also on here it says that with show quality barred rocks the male should be much lighter. The roo I had last year was beautiful but dark. This year I have light roos, mostly dark hens, thought I'd done it right and low and behold I get white eggs!!!!!

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