Can't figure out who's eggs belong to who...

First, sorry because this isn't going to be strictly related to the original post...............

So, the hens squatting down can be a sign that they are laying???? I have 3 that recently started doing this and refuse to move their feathery little butts for me to get into the coop in the morning (they do it right in front of the door and I have to physically move them...) I thought there was something wrong with them and have been watching them for signs of an issue! It is entirely possible that they are all laying now, although one of them would have started yesterday and they other today when they have been doing this for a week.

Mine will squat down, spread their wings about 3inches out from their bodies, and stomp their feet. Does this sound right? Any theories as to what the connection is between egg production and this version of the chicken dance?
First, sorry because this isn't going to be strictly related to the original post...............

So, the hens squatting down can be a sign that they are laying???? I have 3 that recently started doing this and refuse to move their feathery little butts for me to get into the coop in the morning (they do it right in front of the door and I have to physically move them...) I thought there was something wrong with them and have been watching them for signs of an issue! It is entirely possible that they are all laying now, although one of them would have started yesterday and they other today when they have been doing this for a week.

Mine will squat down, spread their wings about 3inches out from their bodies, and stomp their feet. Does this sound right? Any theories as to what the connection is between egg production and this version of the chicken dance?

When a hen squats in front of you or when you go to pick her up she thinks your trying to mate with her. (the hen will also do it when the breeding season is on and a rooster try's to mount her). She will then lay one day each day or every second day depending on your chicken to try to make a clutch of eggs, if you leave the eggs she will lay a batch of about 10-15 eggs then sit on them till hatched but if you take them away for eating(or whatever you do with them) shell just keep laying. Not all chickens do the squat thing and they still lay, i only have about 3-4 chooks that do it and i get more eggs than just them. Hope ive helped CluckCluckLuke

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