Can't hatch duck eggs to save my life...

I agree with everyone else, your humidity is way too low. The first time I hatched duck eggs I FAILED big time! I set 16 eggs and got two out of it, ended up having to help one of them out. They both made it to be happy healthy adults though. However the second time I gave it a try I uped the humidity and did my best not to worry too terribly about them (I have a tendency to worry lol). The second go I put in 21 and hatched out 15 to adulthood. So here is my advice,
1- get an auto turner, everytime you open the bator it lowers your temps and sucks out your humidity, also you dont want to touch the eggs a lot, it can black the pores in the egg and cause it not to hatch.
2- temps at about 99.5 but 99-100 (no higher than 100.9) and humidity during baking should be 60-65% then at lockdown bring it up to about 75-80%
Humidity can be a devil to keep up in a styro bator, I use a little giant and a Hovabator so i know it isnt easy especially since hova is notoriously difficult to work with. I used papertowels, however they dry up quickly (usually within 12 hours) and can harbor bacteria. So I quit using them unless I HAVE to. HOWEVER, I will use them with the cup method. Sometimes a sponge will do but make sure it has no soap residue or anything on it, sometimes when you buy a new sponge it will have a residual bubble thing lol so rinse it well first. I cut up the sponge into strips I use those if I have to during lockdown, keeps the babies out of any cups of water. The cup method I use works well for humidity. You can use a solo cup cut it down to maybe 2 inches deep put a DRY papertowel in it then fill with water till about a half an inch from the top. The papertowel will work like a wick. Also, remember to use the water trays in the bottom of your bator they are your friend! Be sure to disinfect your bator well with at the very least 50% dawn and 50% water solution. I clean the top and bottom of my bator out. Scrub the plastic tray well, water is bad at harboring bacterias that you will never know are there. Someone said plug your two vent holes. Do it, however if you by chance get your temps too high then unplug one vent. It takes practice getting the humidity up high enough. Dont get discouraged. Hatching duck eggs isnt easy!
3- IF YOU NEED TO: Every day I check the humidity, if you HAVE to get a CLEAN spray bottle fill it with clean water and spritz the eggs once a day (so this if you still have trouble keeping humidity up during the baking period. I did it and it helped. Now once you get to lockdown you wont be able to do that you need to KEEP THE BATOR CLOSED. Remember it is called lockdown for a reason. I had a hard time of it for the last three days but dont open the bator unless absolutely necessary. By day 25 at lockdown you should have your humidity methods pretty well figured out so take it a day at a time. Try not to worry too much about small fluxuations.

Remember this: a mother duck sits on her eggs most of the day but she will get off to poop and eat and drink and have a quick swim then she goes back to the nest. Youre the mother duck. So think like a duck and you will have it figured out in no time. It is never an easy task hatching an egg (unless you own a brinsea LMAO I hear they are fantastic!) So keep trying and eventually you will have it figured out. None of us get perfect hatches, especially with styrofoam bators.
I'll up the humidity. I still have 29 of 33 fertile as of last night (I just set them on the 25th) so hopefully I don't shock them. I'll close vents over time. I know I can easily get it to mid 60 percent. It's the 80 percent during hatching that I'm not sure of.

I don't even know how an auto turner would FIT in my incubator, let alone how I'd run the cords.
As I said, it's not a styrofoam 'bater, it's an old wooden 4 rack incubator from the '50's. It does have little pull tabs that are supposed to turn the eggs just by sliding the pul tabs in and out, but I don't like how they work so I tend to hand turn. I figure, the hen gets off the nest at least once per day anyways, how could the short time it takes to turn them affect them too terribly?

Oh, and I store the eggs in my basement, which stays in the 50's mostly. As I said, I get great sucess with fertility - it's just getting them to hatch. They seem to want to die around week 3.
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I'm using an LG Still Air incubator and for humidity I've been following the instructions that came with it. I leave one plug in the whole time and make sure the humidity rings are always full of water. Then during lockdown I take out the other vent plug and put in a soaked hand towel, also in a spot where it will soak up more water when I add it. The first time I hatched eggs, all 3 hatched. The second time we weren't as careful about humidity and only 3 out of 8 hatched. 2 had pipped and got shrinkwrapped, and the others were developed but never even pipped. So I'm also thinking it's your humidity. It has to be pretty high for ducks. Good luck!
Just did more reasearch again and sure enough, 55% is the recommended relative humidity almost everywhere I find. Mine's been around 57-58%.
The 'shrink wrapped' refers to the membrane shrinking after they pip, usually due to too low of humidity. Leave the 'bator closed (as much as you will want to poke around) except to add water.
I put my eggs in the bator and have them on auto turn. I also hatch goose eggs and put them on there sides and only turn every couple of days and seem to have good luck. I do spritz once in a while with water. I do not candle much. I think people over think incubation to much regarding lock down etc. I watch our geese set and hatch and sometimes they are off of the nest more than they are on and they seem to hatch just fine.
This is my third try and i just have to have a hatch. I am trying call ducks. one made it and never got out. if you cant open it how do u know when to help?
Well, it is hard not to help I know. Trust me I am the queen of helping lol. I helped a bobwhite out last night and a EE chick. Neither of them made it. Not because my helping, the bobwhite had deformed feet and the EE, well i am fairly sure it was the hens fault on that one but it could have just been too weak. Sometimes there are reasons for a chick/duckling not hatching out, we always want all of them to because you know they have life and you want them to live but sometimes there is something wrong in development that keeps them from hatching, however if you have a chick that pips and doesnt hatch for several days (I have had ducklings take 2-3 days to come out of an egg after pip) then you should do what you feel is right as far as helping. I base all my helping on a case by case basis. The bobwhite I helped last night was under a bantam hen a couple of days ago when I was checking the nest for new babies I found the poor egg had to big holes in the outer shell but the membrane was intact. i thought for sure the baby would be dead but I checked by candling and it was pipped internally and still breathing well so i brought it in and put it in the bator, when I got home from work last night it had started to pip, I left it for a couple of hours then decided to check it by candling again and the holes in the shell had made a second aircell in the egg and the poor little fellow couldnt get the egg unzipped due to lack of space, so I helped him out, he had been ready to come out for goodness knows how long all the yolk and blood was already absorbed, poor thing just couldnt do it on his own. He lived about 4 hours outside of the shell, his feet were crooked due to the cramped space in the egg for too long and he was too weak to live. So I know more than anyone about how bad you want a baby to live and it not living breaking your heart but sometimes there isnt a thing we can do. You can open the bator if you need to, but you never really know whne to help unless that baby made it to the aircell then you really cant help it. atleast I have never attempted to help anything that hadnt already gone into the aircell.... I wouldnt know what to tell you there
I wish you luck omn your call duck eggs, keep trying

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