Can't hatch duck eggs to save my life...

I accidently locked my poor broody duck out of the house where her eggs were one morning at about 2 1/2 weeks (don't ask how). She was off the nest for at least eight hours. I let her sit on them for about four days and then candled them, and six out of eight are still kicking. It sure seems that if Mother Nature can be so forgiving we could do a little better with the incubators. Guess in another week I should know whether they're really going to make it or not.
Wow...that's quite a loss! Do you think with larger ducks this applies as well? I would be mainly hatching BO's,Cayuga,Mallards,maybe pekins...etc.
BTW, I checked my eggs today...all dead

I personally think it applies for all waterfowl. I have had the same results with Mallards as well. If at all possible it is best to have the hen set on the eggs for the first 14 days or so and then move them to the incubator to finish it out. I have not been lucky enough last year and this year to do that but have had good success with the eggs in the incubator from start to finish. Just checked my RH% and it is 84% and temp is 99.5 and holding well.

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Wow...that's quite a loss! Do you think with larger ducks this applies as well? I would be mainly hatching BO's,Cayuga,Mallards,maybe pekins...etc.
BTW, I checked my eggs today...all dead

I personally think it applies for all waterfowl. I have had the same results with Mallards as well. If at all possible it is best to have the hen set on the eggs for the first 14 days or so and then move them to the incubator to finish it out. I have not been lucky enough last year and this year to do that but have had good success with the eggs in the incubator from start to finish. Just checked my RH% and it is 84% and temp is 99.5 and holding well.


Ok...I'm just wondering because Holderreads book says 55-60 % for the first few weeks...then at lockdown bump it to a few more ....can't remember the exact % off the top of my head but that's for a still air bator. So I' m afraid to set it to 70 to start! What if I drown 'em all? I'm setting more tomorrow....
Hmmm... I really think I just wasn't attentive enough. I am going to watch this hatch like a (excuse the expression ) hawk! I think I'm going to try 60-65% RH then bump to 75-80% for the hatch.I have an LG Still Air Bator.
LG...Thats what critterranch uses..I dont know what she runs her humidity at, you might want to ask her. I think she lives up your way in NY too. I think 65 might be to high and they can drown. When I turn mine I spray them and add a little bit of water, like 3 table spoons and leave it till I turn again, the humidity had dropped to about 30 to 35 by then but I dont worry about it. I would rather it be to low compared to to high. I even did my goose eggs on 25 and had 100% hatch with shipped eggs, hatched no problem where as alot of people have had problems. I also dont candle alot either. I candle at day 4 or 5 and then about day 23 and dray a lline round my air cell and then again at lockdown so I know where to look at pip time. Silly question but..are you turnng the egg so the sir sac is facing up
Yes I bump it up to 80 on day 25 before they pip. This last hatch 1 pipped on day 24 so I was in lockdown in 5 minutes flat and they were all out by the morning of the 27th day. 1 didnt pip and died in the shell but the other 17 made it no probs.

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