Can't kill my avatar!


BeakHouse's Mad Chicken Scientist
15 Years
Aug 17, 2008
Larry, KS
My Coop
My Coop
I'm trying to change back to my old avatar, but when I upload it, my magazine cover avatar is displayed. I deleted the old one, I unclicked 'display avatar' and on and on...but I can't get the old avatar to show. When I upload the old one, the magazine cover is resurrected!

Any ideas what's up?
I end up having to delete my current avatar.

Then I close the browser.

Open the browser, go to BYC, upload the new avatar and see what happens.
I had! I clicked it, I cleared my caches, everything...but Firefox is really losing my respect lately, so I'm going to have to use Chrome.

It's showing the right one, now, but what a pain!

I had! I clicked it, I cleared my caches, everything...but Firefox is really losing my respect lately, so I'm going to have to use Chrome.

It's showing the right one, now, but what a pain!


I was having the same problems so I am glad that you posted this. I was using
IE8 and had already tried all the methods listed here to change it.
Closed out IE8 and opened firefox and it finally worked.
Some browsers cache the avatars and some don't. A "force refresh" almost always takes care of the problem (CTRL+F5) and if that doesn't work, then clearing the cache definitely should. I'm amazed it didn't for you, but glad it is working now.

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