Can't tell if pigeon embryo has died or not please help!


Apr 20, 2017
Hello all, I am currently a little out of my depth here.I am 100% new to all of this
I'll try and keep it short. My son found two pigeon eggs under and tree on the ground in our back garden. We put them back and looked for the nest without luck. I wasn't convinced there was anything alive in there until i candled it. I honestly thought it would be easy to try and look after them with a home made incubator. Wow was i wrong. The one egg didn't look great when we brought them in and that later died. Where as the other one seemed to fight on. We saw heart beats, movement the lot and I've been on the humidity and temperature like mad! Setting alarms all over the place. Now though after checking egg today I'm not too sure if it's alive anymore
i don't see movement just a black blob that looks like it's spread? with a few not too great veins. No blood ring (i don't think) i don't know it just doesn't look 'right' when i took the pic yesterday it actually looked like a embryo now it looks weird. any help would be great. P.s I've had the egg for 10days and the top pic is the latest one. Sorry about photo quality too.



Doesn't look too good.  Sorry, but I think it's dead.    I'd give it a couple more days though.

That's what i thought.
Giving it the few days then will see, but i don't think it's alive
thank you. I will never be doing anything like this again.

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