Caring for a blind bird


Aug 30, 2016
Thunder Bay Ontario canada
I’m hoping someone somewhere has had the experience of caring for a blind bird, and can offer tips or advice - anything would be welcome!
I have all kinds of poultry, including pheasants which I release in the fall. This year I have 50, (there was an ordering accident!), and a few days ago I noticed that one was very quiet. He’s just a little fellow and when I entered the enclosure to fill food and water, he was in the corner and didn’t move, which just isn’t like a pheasant, they’re very wild and skittish. I didn’t see any wounds so I let him be.
Today when I went I saw him walking aimlessly in little circles, so I picked him up, (which would be near impossible with a healthy bird). I checked him again for injuries (nothing) but when I moved my hand near his head I could see that he didn’t blink. His eyes look completely normal but it’s clear he’s almost totally blind.
He’s now in a dog crate, he was eating straw and feathers and was so hungry, I plopped him in a large dog bowl full of grain, with a little dish of water and he’s been eating ever since.
I’d planned to keep a trio of pheasants this winter so I suppose this is the male that I’ll keep. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can make his life easier and better?
I took care of one of my hens for 2 years. She became blind after a dog attack.

Had to keep her in cage always, because the other chickens would have pecked her to end. She was able to find food and water inside cage easily. Not sure if it was by smell.:idunno
She probably did not realize she was in a cage since she could not see.
WISHING YOU BEST ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, with your pheasant.:highfive:

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