Carnation Combed Rosecombs?

Rosecomb Lover

5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
Is it possible to get Rosecombs with Carnation combs? And if it is, how?

I appreciate and thank you for trying to help me, but I don't think so. I've got a few single combed APA approved purebred Rosecombs, and the APA's standards for the breed of Rosecomb is bantam single, rose combed chickens qualify. I've got 3 walnut combed Rosecombs, but I only have 5 chickens which I bred specificaly to meet APA standards. You can play around with genetics as much as you want, unless it's a lethal gene. (like the ear tuft gene, found in many Araucanas) A carnation comb looks something like this:

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This is incorrect. Cubakid is right. According to both the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection and the American Bantam Association Bantam Standard, Rosecomb bantams are only allowed to have rose combs. The general disqualifications in both the APA and the ABA Standards both have comb foreign to the breed listed as the very first disqualification. Neither one even lists a carnation comb, whatever that is, as being allowable for any breed. If a single or a walnut comb, or any other than a rose comb appear in a Rosecomb bantam it is certainly not "APA approved".

A Rosecomb without a Rosecomb isn't a true Rosecomb, and can't be shown as such. However, rose combed breeds can sometimes have single combs. The single comb is recessive to the rose comb and can crop up in breeds such as Wyandottes and Rosecombs. These single-comb examples should not be bred.
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Ahhhh sorry for bumping an old thread, I'll take all penalties, but I'm actually curious about this. What would happen if these single-comb examples were bred over and over again like Rose suggested? Would it become a new breed.. or?
It takes people awhile to understand what a breed is and how new breeds can even be considered for acceptance, The bar is set very, very high by both sanctioning organization, the ABA and APA.

Cutting to the chase, it takes well over 5 years by members of the associations to even consider getting a standard written, the birds exhibited in large numbers, repeatedly, before the application for a new variety or breed to come before the committee.

Neither breed sanctioning bodies are likely approve anything similar to what you are suggesting.

For more, read the Constitution of the American Poultry Association on their website. You'll find the applicable section.
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