Carpenter Bee

Vamp-A-Billy Princess,

To tell where their holes are, look for little piles of sawdust on the floor of the coop and then look above the pile. Too bad you can't train the little buggers, they make a nice clean hole about a half inch in diameter.
That's hilarious. I've seen one or two and I followed where they went and saw the hole they were working on - I filled it with plastic wood. No more bees. I also had them in my pallets I was saving - I let them be.
I have been in the pest control business for over 10 years and what I use is a product called TIMBOR. This is a wetable powder (mix with water) that you can put in any type of sprayer. TIMBOR is nothing more than salt(safe for everything) and it absorbs into the wood and makes it taste nasty to bees, termites, beetles and other wood booring insects. You can find it on e-bay or any do-it-yourselfpest control company.

wow thanks, so this will prevent them from from making new holes or discourage then all together?
Yes. This will solve anyone's problem from making new holes to killing the ones they have around. The best thing about it, is that it is safe to treat anywhere.


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