Cat food as a treat? Right or wrong?

AllenK RGV

Chicken Addict
Jul 23, 2017
Deep South Texas Laureles,TX 10A

@KikisGirls you are the only "nutrition expert" that I know. I do have some concerns over the added calcium here as none of my hens are laying yet and I have a rooster that loves cat food lunchables as well. The flock is primarily a free ranging one.

Does anyone have concerns who could address this question?
I wanted to add more info here I feed this randomly and never more than an ounce at a time on a weekly basis. So nobody should get the idea I am throwing this out by the cupful, as I want them free ranging vs hanging around for handouts.
if you aren't having a problem go for it. i put cat food out for my birds and a bear crashed the fence (no birds hurt or killed thank god) to get the cat food so i personally won't do that again. if you dont have a preadator problem when you feed them cat food its fine
I refuse to feed chicken to chickens, just because. That's my main issue with feeding them cat food even as a treat. Then, it's much more expensive than chicken food, and I'd rather feed a better poultry feed all the time instead.
My birds would love it, and sometimes raided the barn cat's food if I didn't guard him during his meals.
:frow I see no problem feeding a small amount once a week as a treat.
The one percent calcium level is probably close to the same as the average one percent in chick feed.
:frow I see no problem feeding a small amount once a week as a treat.
The one percent calcium level is probably close to the same as the average one percent in chick feed.
I have 15 hens, I give then a small can of high quality cat food once or twice a week, mixed with other threats. They love it. I'm getting 12-13 eggs a day! They are wonderful.

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