cat stew anyone?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
So, I am building a auto watering system for our backyard girls. I ordered 6 of those orange chicken watering nipple things. I installed the first 3 the other day but ran into a couple of delays to get the others in. I had them on my dresser and when i went to grab them to install there was only one. I found the second one on the floor next to the cat's bed and am still looking for the third. Now, i am generally an animal lover and yes i find the humor in this, but tearing the house apart to find the third one is giving me fits.
Seems your cat is the culprit.

I totally understand now that I've read past your post title!

My 3 cats - esp the younger 2 - get into stuff all the time and then I can't find anything. My 3 kids certainly don't help.

Good luck!
Not intending to jack your thread but I have a watering system question:
I'm in the planning stages of building a chicken ark and thought a watering system using those nipples looks like a great idea. My questions are these: Does it take much/any training to show the chickens how to use it? and How far above the ground should the pipe be mounted for a hen to reach it comfortably? I haven't decided on a particular breed but it will likely be RIR, Austrolorps, or Americaunas since they seem to be the most readily available in my area.
Thanks for your help,
I was told to make it about 18 inches off the ground. As far as training, some have said that they sort of figure it out themselves, so i am going to keep my old water thing in place for a couple of days. by the way, I found it under a futon.
Update on watering system. My wife noticed a couple days ago that the chicks are using the new watering system without us having to show them it was there.

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