Cat thinks it is part of my flock

Byrd gal

Dec 31, 2020
Sw ohio
So a kitten is now made a home in my coop it is scared of humans but anyway it is using the coop bedding as a litterbox. What can I use to clean the boxes out that is safe for my birds? Also will the chickens eat cat litter? I can use sand. I assumed the cat would do it's business outside. Nope it thinks it is a chicken and even roosts with them at night.
So a kitten is now made a home in my coop it is scared of humans but anyway it is using the coop bedding as a litterbox. What can I use to clean the boxes out that is safe for my birds? Also will the chickens eat cat litter? I can use sand. I assumed the cat would do it's business outside. Nope it thinks it is a chicken and even roosts with them at night.
Ummm... pictures please??!!

I would use sand.
Yep I is a polydactil kitty it sometimes will get in it's box if the chickens get pecky


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Yep I is a polydactil kitty it sometimes will get in it's box if the chickens get pecky
That's awesome! I love it.
How will you feed him without the chickens stealing his food? He can't eat chicken food. Cats are obligate carnivores as they cannot synthesize taurine and will go blind without it. Unless you have an ample mouse supply around for him to hunt and eat.
Are you going to let him stay?
I feed him at night after the chickens go in. He did eat chicken food before I knew he was there and the chickens will get a few pieces but not much. He has been getting chicken bites and fish, as I am trying to get some trust built. I can get about a foot away through the window. If I walk in he hides, baby steps. Maddening!!
I basically had same situation with less than year male that showed up. He eventually followed me to garage and that’s now his home. Everyday he follows me all over property to do the chores. The chickens ignore him and act like he isn’t even there. Even the rooster thinks he means no harm just one of the flock.
I basically had same situation with less than year male that showed up. He eventually followed me to garage and that’s now his home. Everyday he follows me all over property to do the chores. The chickens ignore him and act like he isn’t even there. Even the rooster thinks he means no harm just one of the flock.
This one is affectionate to the chickens. The younger ones tolerate the rubbing and the kitten play. Old hens not so much. I have seen no egg difference or stress. I would love a kitten shadow!!

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