
We had cat problems. They would kill our chickens and take them back home to their garage. The owners of the cats knew they were doing it and didn't say anything thats what bothered me. They just threw the chickens away like nothing happened. So I use a airsoft gun to shoo them away. It doesn't kill the cat just scares it away. So now I ALWAYS lock my birds up before bed every night.
Since the cats not even a feral cat i doubt that you have to worry about it. I have cats around my chickens..and they never bother them. I dont trust them around tiny chicks with no mothers but unless they are a bantam breed at 3 months yours should be pretty big. If in doubt wait til they are grown to let them free range. Its a rare cat that will actually attack a grown chicken..most are pretty afraid of them. Cat versus mama hen equals cats steering clear of hens for life lol. I toss bread out for my chickens and our barn cats love it too but they wont challenge any chicken that beats them to bite lol.

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