Catahoula Leopard Dog or Rhodesian Ridgeback?

Depends on the type of owner you are. If willing to invest time in educating self in dog psychology, SEVERAL (not just one) dog training methods, can be FIRM, yet sensitive, fair, patient, loving and humble enough to allow a dog to teach you... then a Catahoula is very very very difficult to beat "IF" (and only IF) you can have the wisdom it takes to establish a healthy relationship with a Catahoula bred for work. Have yet to find better dogs (family and outdoors). If one is wise and patient, they can even be bird hunting dogs, SAR, narcotics, law enforcement and not just hog hunting and livestock herding. Furthermore, they are multidisciplinarian and a single Catahoula dog can be taught to do many different jobs. But often even "qualified" dog trainers are not adept at understanding how to train these highly sensitive, hard working, sturdy independent thinkers. Mine are fit enough to run non-stop at a very decent pace anywhere from 20 miles to 50 miles in one session. Can hunt and herd just about anything. One of them has a tendency to use her vision a lot, while the other one is very inclined to do nose work. Female loves to meet new and known children and wants to take care of them, but she will not particularly care to cuddle for too long; while the male is more aloof to strangers, but will cuddle all day long if he could.
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