Cataracts in hens eyes

Ocular Marek's Disease is probably its most mild form. Birds usually recover with no intervention. The skin form is mild too, and the paralysis form isn't too bad. The tumor form will always kill (causes kidney failure). There is a treatment which works sometimes. It's on my website, linked in my sig (poultry health > supportive therapy > green treats and homeopathic remedies).

You can vaccinate against it, but it only works on day old chicks that have not yet been exposed to the chicken strain of the virus. Vaccination gives chicks the harmless turkey strain.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to rule in or out Marek's Disease. It won't wipe out your entire flock though, only a couple if you start experiencing the tumor and paralysis form and practice proper management. The virus lies dormant in the body until the immune system is weakened. It is opportunistic. So, keep your birds' health and immunity up and it's not usually a problem. Everyone describes this disease as "the bane of all chickens" but it really isn't that bad. Sure, you'll lose a few birds every now and again, but not you entire flock. If you start losing a lot of birds to it, close you flock and breed for resistance.
We had a problem were the chickens developed cataract, one eye at a time and eventually lost site. At first I thought there was an aggressive hen pecking eyes, but then four a five birds contracted similar lesions. Using an ophthalmoscope, I visualized several parasites located at the margin of the iris. Treated with ivermectin for three days and condition resolved. Some scarring remains on a few birds, but all have regained the use of their eyes. The parasites were black, approx. 1 mm long. Never bothered to identify, but would be interested if recognized by someone.
I have a hen with the same problem. She seems like she can't make out details, only shaddows. She has a hard time jumping down from the roost (can't judge distance?) When I am out with them, she stays close to me, though she'll follow the flock around if I'm not. She is always bringing up the rear when I call them in... I just wonder what could have caused it.
Hi there. we are hobby chicken keepers in the UK. we have just come back from the vets with Sibyll, who is a 28 week old Bantam Orpington. She has been empty cropped for two days now and has had to be hand fed. After a very thorough exam in which she was passes as very healthy, she has been diagnosed with cataracts, no parasites seen. just in case i am thinking of giving Ivermectin- what dose and frequency did you use please.
I noticed tonight after taking a picture of Freddy our rooster that it looks like he has something on his eye. I wasn't sure if it was just a covering on his eye since I've never noticed it before, like maybe an eyelid of some sort, or if it was an infection. I looked at the Mareks Disease site and it doesn't appear to be that. Just wondered what everyone else thought.

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