

12 Years
Nov 4, 2009
The incubator is on a desk in the bedroom. My DD had gone into one of the drawers and left it open. I went into the bedroom to do a check and transfer chicks to the brooder, I brought my 19 month old DS with me and hubby came as well. I didn't notice the open drawer. I turned away to say something to hubby and as my back was turned, DS tried to climb up the desk by way of the open drawer.

I caught the desk, DH caught the baby - both of us getting across the room at the speed of light - and I did actually catch the incubator ... but the top came off and eggs, chicks and trays slid out and hit the floor.
The floor is very well padded thanks to DS's climbing skills, the desk is next to the bed and he is forever getting on and off the bed so we have folded up blankets all over the floor in that spot. The hatched chicks were all fine, but 5 of the eggs were smashed by the 3 chicken eggs that were in there and the little bowl of water. One chicken egg is also broken, the membrane is intact but the shell is missing quite a bit.

I am so heartsick over it. We quickly gathered everything up and put everything into the brooder while I got the incubator cleaned and set back up, then we carefully transferred the eggs back. By chance, there were only 2 "open" eggs at the time. One had a hole big enough for a beak to pop in and out, the other was "zipped". The zipped one was crushed but the other, you can still see the chick moving in there, but it's been a couple of hours and it hasn't progressed. I don't know if I should help it, leave it, or give it up for dead. It's been a couple of hours.

There are a bunch of eggs that had pipped to the point of teeny cracks in an intact shell. You can see where the beak will pop out, but it hasn't yet. No progress on any of those since the accident. I don't know if any of them are still alive. I hope that they are just recovering from the sudden jolt, but I fear the worst.
Two more hatched!!!
I can hardly believe it!
The little one that was struggling, I helped. I took it out and saw that the membrane was dry and sticking. I very carefully pried away some shell and dampened the membrane. The little one was cheeping and struggling and as soon as I got the membrane damp enough, turned in the shell and kept on working. I gently crumbled a little ring around the shell so now it just has to struggle with the membrane. Last check it had a head and wing free and is resting.

I feel like this is a miracle!
Oh my! I am sorry that happened! But glad you are getting more hatches. I have heard of eggs bouncing off or was that chicks bouncing off tables and rolling and surviving...Praying for the best!
Wow. Seven more chicks after the accident - which actually brings the hatch number nearly to what I had expected. Three of them needed a teeny bit of help as humidity did not want to get back to former levels. Two of those you could see a little bit of bruising before they fluffed out which I'm sure didn't help. I think we're done now but am going to leave everything in there for another day or two.

Seven little miracle babies.
Oh, yeah, glad so many made it, glad the baby's ok (I could just see the desk crushing him) glad the incubator didn't break. A bad accident, but a lot to be thankful for!

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