'C'ats 'A're 'T'ruly 'S'pecial

The I I took to pound,they put her to sleep 15 minutes later,no more went there,i got to soft in my old age,all others were mostly federal cats from backyard,some had their eyes infected shut,dogs chased mother off from others.For 10 years I was careful to stay away from this cats kittens.I warned grandkids if they saw any to leave them alone and walk off.Five minutes later they brought them all in
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The I I tok to pound,they put to sleep 15 minutes later,no more went tnrer,i got to soft in my old age,all thers were mostly federal cats from backyard,some had their eyes infedceted shut,dogs chased mother off from others.For 10 years I was careful to stay away from this cats kittens.I warned grandkids if they saw any to leave them alone and walk off.Five minutes later they brought them all in

That's tough. That's why she didn't want to take her cats to the shelter either, because she was afraid they would just be put down. Our shelter doesn't put down cats unless they have a terminal illness, but because of that they often can't take in cats. We've had a number of friendly tomcats that needed a home and they couldn't take them. They just fixed up their building and so I'm hoping they'll have a little more room for cats, in case we need to find any new homes.
Yeah I think that is the way to go as far as only putting them down if they were terminally ill or suffering-without hope of recovery.

I think that you're not really an animal hoarder unless you A) don't know how many you have. B) could lose some and not know it. C) can't afford to give them the care they deserve. Or D) can not keep their environment healthy for them due to unsanitary conditions

We have 5 cats and two dogs with my mother owning another dog that stays here sometimes. Is it perfectly clean? No I admit that. And we don't have a lot of money but we always make sure our animals have good clean food and water and that they get vet care if they are unwell which thankfully has been infrequently after we lost my 15 year old kitty to cancer last year.

At one point we had 5 house cats and were bottle raising a feral litter of four who's mother brought them to us after her milk dried up. We cared for the feral cat colony in our town then too. Taming and finding homes for as many as we could.

It wasn't uncommon in those days for us to have 12-13 cats in our back yard that lived peacefully with our dogs and all the wildlife that inhabited our yard. Wild birds, rabbits, ground hogs all were welcome. The cats lived peacefully with all the animals and frequently tried to come inside because there were at least six that we had tamed that well. The cats never hunted in the back yard. There was always water available and food usually was, they were always fed at least once a day usually twice.

We were caring for about two dozen cats at the time and some people thought we were hoarders I'm sure but we weren't. We were just doing what little we could. If we had had the money and the space we would have gladly taken the ones in that wanted to but we had no money to test them for diseases and quarantine them for a time which was very hard to do but we also had a responsibility to keep the ones we had safe.

As it was that litter of bottle babies was quarantined in a bedroom literally quarantined. They ended up being perfectly healthy none of the ferals we took in ever even had fleas or ear mites which is amazing to me
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Yeah I think that is the way to go as far as only putting them down if they were terminally ill or suffering-without hope of recovery.

I think that you're not really an animal hoarder unless you A) don't know how many you have. B) could lose some and not know it. C) can't afford to give them the care they deserve. Or D) can not keep their environment healthy for them due to unsanitary conditions

We have 5 cats and two dogs with my mother owning another dog that stays here sometimes. Is it perfectly clean? No I admit that. And we don't have a lot of money but we always make sure our animals have good clean food and water and that they get vet care if they are unwell which thankfully has been infrequently after we lost my 15 year old kitty to cancer last year.

At one point we had 5 house cats and were bottle raising a feral litter of four who's mother brought them to us after her milk dried up. We cared for the feral cat colony in our town then too. Taming and finding homes for as many as we could.

It wasn't uncommon in those days for us to have 12-13 cats in our back yard that lived peacefully with our dogs and all the wildlife that inhabited our yard. Wild birds, rabbits, ground hogs all were welcome. The cats lived peacefully with all the animals and frequently tried to come inside because there were at least six that we had tamed that well. The cats never hunted in the back yard. There was always water available and food usually was, they were always fed at least once a day usually twice.

We were caring for about two dozen cats at the time and some people thought we were hoarders I'm sure but we weren't. We were just doing what little we could. If we had had the money and the space we would have gladly taken the ones in that wanted to but we had no money to test them for diseases and quarantine them for a time which was very hard to do but we also had a responsibility to keep the ones we had safe.

As it was that litter of bottle babies was quarantined in a bedroom literally quarantined. They ended up being perfectly healthy none of the ferals we took in ever even had fleas or ear mites which is amazing to me

That's awesome you helped so many cats.

Yeah, we have six cats (if you include the feral tomcat that comes around sometimes) and then seven dogs! They are all adored and given the best care we can afford. We need to get our cats wormed, but we make sure they always have food, water, shelter, and are not hurt or sick. If they are hurt I bring them into our basement (some members of my family are allergic to cats) and cuddle them for hours and hours to help them feel better. After a few days on antibiotics they can go back outside (and usually are quite happy to do so, as being inside scares some of them).

I completely agree with what you say, we aren't hoarders we are just animal crazy, always willing to help out any little creature that needs a hand.
Don't let it get out,i was a cat hoarder,i had 23,im down to 6 or 7.I didn't know much about cats.They ruined my house.I gave away all my antiques,thru away new lazy boy sofa.I do love them though.
We have a good number of cats at our local shelter and I love talking to them when I walk by. Its hard to pet them because I have to wash my hands between each one since the cats in the back are often sick. Some of my favorites are Shanelle, the kitten with the broken leg, and Rags. There are also two little black and white kittens, but I forget their names. They are sweet little guys and starting to get healthy. Poor Rags is really sick but the medication seems to be helping. He has a respiratory infection and was injured, but now he's far better. He will lift his head and meow at me.

I'll try to post pictures soon. We've got some beautiful cats coming in and very friendly.
Ive been here 35years,there has always been feral cats next door.They got some new apartments next door and traped al my outside cats in one night,even some that had just been let out for a hour.I wont let my cats out now,except for one when I stay with him.I have two outside that were indoor for years, and wouldn't come in one day>I feed them at front door.I hope they don't wander away from houseThey are 2 huge beautiful cats

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