Cats & Christmas Tree's... How does THAT work???

What will my experience with cats & Christmas tree's be?

  • Probably nothing to worry about.

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • A month long battle.

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • 50/50 chance either way.

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • Dont put up that breakable baubble made back in the 2nd grade.

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • Something out of a bad Christmas movie.

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Total doom & distruction.

    Votes: 8 17.0%

  • Total voters

room onthebroom

Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 4, 2015
33. N -117.W
I have two adult, indoor cats that were adopted in February. We'll be picking up a Christmas tree in a few weeks & out of no where it just occurred to me that my cats are gonna think I've installed a jungle gym for them, complete with colorful lights & shiny dangly toys. I'm having visions of both cats running up the tree at the same time, visions of broken ornaments & visions of the tree laying across the living room floor.
Does anybody have any stories about their cats & Christmas tree's? :pop I welcome all stories, the good, the bad & the ugly.
In our first apartment a stray cat showed up and adopted us - why does that always seem to happen to me ? One night he was on the doormat and walked in like he owned the place. Comes Christmas time, and Mike the Cat is sitting in the living room eyeing the tree. I see it coming a bit too late. He hit the tree midway bringing it crashing to the floor. :th That's the memory of our first Christmas tree. Subsequent cats and dogs have ignored them.
In our first apartment a stray cat showed up and adopted us - why does that always seem to happen to me ? One night he was on the doormat and walked in like he owned the place. Comes Christmas time, and Mike the Cat is sitting in the living room eyeing the tree. I see it coming a bit too late. He hit the tree midway bringing it crashing to the floor. :th That's the memory of our first Christmas tree. Subsequent cats and dogs have ignored them.

:gig:lau:gig This is exactly what I'm afraid of. :lau:gig:lau
I have two adult, indoor cats that were adopted in February. We'll be picking up a Christmas tree in a few weeks & out of no where it just occurred to me that my cats are gonna think I've installed a jungle gym for them, complete with colorful lights & shiny dangly toys. I'm having visions of both cats running up the tree at the same time, visions of broken ornaments & visions of the tree laying across the living room floor.
Does anybody have any stories about their cats & Christmas tree's? :pop I welcome all stories, the good, the bad & the ugly.
Great idea for a thread! :highfive:
Your vision, while unlikely since they are adult cats, is still very possible if they happen to be playful adult cats. :D
I hope you get some great advice here just incase they like tree. Always good to be prepared..:hugs
In our first apartment a stray cat showed up and adopted us - why does that always seem to happen to me ? One night he was on the doormat and walked in like he owned the place. Comes Christmas time, and Mike the Cat is sitting in the living room eyeing the tree. I see it coming a bit too late. He hit the tree midway bringing it crashing to the floor. :th That's the memory of our first Christmas tree. Subsequent cats and dogs have ignored them.
We had one named Skittles.. he liked to climb up the tree against the trunk then jump out.. bringing lights, garland.. you name it, with him..:barnie
We had one named Skittles.. he liked to climb up the tree against the trunk then jump out.. bringing lights, garland.. you name it, with him..:barnie

I hate to admit that I find these stories funny! :lauI'm sure they wont feel so funny if/when they're happening in my own house.

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