Cats v/ snakes??


11 Years
Feb 16, 2008
Halifax Co Virginia
I discovered today that I have *gulp* a teeny tiny snake problem. (Ick. To all you snake lovers out there, my apologies, but I'm so grossed out!) I have one cat, but I can get more-I don't mind cats near as much as snake! Will cats help keep snakes away?
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Oh, yeah! And not to worry if you have chicks or ducks they will take out a small snake as well. In fact, mister snake will be most unwelcome and will probably find a quieter neighborhood. I have to ask why do you have snakes hanging around your yard? Is there a woodpile, several wild bird feeder/houses or a pile of undisturbed rock nearby? All prime nest locations and sources of food. Snakes will also nest inside discarded cement blocks or a partially rotten tree. Removing the prime nest location (with GLOVES!) may deter your pests from staying. I'm not against snakes, mind you. They just have their place and we all have ours! Good luck!
I am not sure why Mr Slither is hanging about, except that he must be enjoying the eggs. My coup is located near the wooded section of my property, and it is well away from the house, too. I had noticed that we had a lot fewer lizards, mice, and moles this year, but this is also the first spring/summer that I have had my current cat. I thought she was keeping the rodent/reptile/amphibian population down. I guess she's had some help.

Oh's a lucky day for a couple of pound kitties because they are getting a new home.
Yay! I'm sure they'll love their new home. I'm not sure about cats and snakes, but I know my snakes usually go away after I try to catch them.
I guess they just don't like me as much as I do them.
You make my heart happy today. Kitties with a wooded area and a new family to appreciate them should make for a perfect mix. My stray male turned out to be the most gentle giant and he sits in the pen just watching the chicks and ducks. They'be become accustomed to him as he offers to never get too close or break their rules. He's no bird or mouser but if you are snake or lizard, beware.
Happy hunting!
My true love dispatched not one, but two snakes today, which explains why we have eight hens laying but we only get one or two eggs daily. I expect tomorrow, if the shotgun blasts didn't stress the girls too much, we will see an increase in eggs.

Dead snakes or no....I'm finding myself some more cats. Buying cat food in a 20lb bag is cheaper than the 7lb bag anyway, so it would save us money

Besides...a farm without cats just ain't right-even if it is just a five acre farm.
i have a cat, and that rascal will torment a snake lol. i caught him out in the yard one evening messing with something i got up out of my swing to check it out. that darn cat had a copperhead and was slapping at him and had him tuckered plum out lol.. he ended up getting the snake and carried it off to eat i guiess he got it and left with it ..
My current cat is a spoiled, over fed and over indulged diva. I need some real cats...some BARN cats.....who will come inside during the winter and get fat, lazy and spoiled. Then I'll have to find some more real barn cats.

Jimminy. I can see me turning into a freaking crazy cat woman.
My cat kills little snakes (I've seen her terrorizing the little brown dekai snakes.) and lizards. I will tell you though that my cat, along with all my animals, are terrified of my 5 ft. pet Bullsnake who can act quite ferocious.
Rather have snakes for rat control than a cat running loose. I hate stray cat , to many people dont control them. Just getting cats and letting them loose is not giving them a good home.

They kill so many songbirds and baby rabbits. More than rats, just like the dog owners who let them run loose.

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