Caught a Possum trying to kill my silkie rooster, need to reinforce coop. Ideas?


Jan 19, 2017
I converted a 12x12 chain link dog pen in to a coop for my silkies (it has fencing covering it as well), and last night woke up to a very upset rooster and ran outside to find the possum with the entire hind end of the rooster (only the feathers) in its mouth. After I startled it and we stared at each other for 5 minutes or so, it went right through the chain link! I didn't realize they could fit through those holes. How would I go about reinforcing it? One of my hens just hatched our first ever chicks last night as well, so I am worried about them. I didn't think to take my gun with me or I would have shot it last night.
A month ago one of my English game bantams disappeared and we found her sitting on a clutch of eggs near the coop under a fallen tree, and something ended up getting her and eating most of the eggs as well, so I am guessing this might be a return visit. HELP!
And leave the chainlink up as well, add the smaller mesh fencing around it.
Will I need to go all the way up with it, or just half way? It stands about 6 ft tall I believe.
And set a trap as well, every night until you catch it (them).
Will I need to go all the way up with it, or just half way? It stands about 6 ft tall I believe.
What if you put heavier more costly stuff down low, and less expensive chicken wire up above it? Do you have a secure coop within this?
My coop is a 10x10 chainlink dog fence with their house inside. I bought 1/4" hardwire mesh in a 3' tall roll, so I put it from about 4' up on the fence down to the 1' area, then a second row covering that 1' and 2' out on the ground. Then I put large plastic netting and bird netting over the top and down the other 2' of fence that isn't covered by the mesh. So everything is double/triple fenced, and there's a skirt 2' out that keeps things from tunneling in. The chainlink is mostly to keep everything held together, as any small animal/dog/cat can go through/under chainlink pretty easily. I've also put the hardwire mesh over the whole door, plus out about 6 inches so that I could wrap it around to the other side to keep the area between the door/side closed. My very large chickens can still stick their entire heads out that corner area otherwise, and my dogs would easily decapitate them. Then I've got a lock inside the mesh on the gate latch, plus 3 latches holding the mesh tight wrapped onto the other side.
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Another option would be to run a strand or three of electric wire around the bottom of your run. I find electric wire to be one of the best (and relatively cheapest) deterrents against your 4 legged critters.
I am going to buy some hardware cloth today and go ahead and reinforce the whole thing and bury some chicken wire around it as well. I would use a hot wire, but I have small children and free range birds as well (they get locked up in a shed at night). As for a trap, I think that is a great idea! Hopefully my cats will stay out of it
I am going to buy some hardware cloth today and go ahead and reinforce the whole thing and bury some chicken wire around it as well. I would use a hot wire, but I have small children and free range birds as well (they get locked up in a shed at night). As for a trap, I think that is a great idea! Hopefully my cats will stay out of it

Sounds great! Bait the trap with peanut butter, and the cats won't be interested. Possums love it! Good luck!

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