Caught neighbor with ladder to look over fence!

No crime in peeking over a fence. I'd invite him over and introduce him to the birds, get his opinions on housing ideas for them, ask him whether they've bothered or inconvenienced him at all. If so, make an offer to move the birds further away from his property. Essentially do whatever you can to be a good neighbor.
Well, i think it IS a crime to peek over someones PRIVACY fence(or it should be!)... what kind of creepo does that?

If i have a PRIVACY fence up..its for a REASON...
how rude.. the whole idea and premise of a privacy fence is.. privacy...


I wonder if that would fall under the jurisdictional laws of peeping tom.../ voyeuristic... hummmm
I think I would grab that ladder and take it for a ride...............

"I have no idea what you are talking about, I haven't seen a ladder......" wide eyed blink, blink

"What were you doing with the ladder up against the fence anyway?"
ooooh you are soooo bad.... I'd say your trouble with a capital T... hahhahahha I read that and got a visual and laughed out loud.. hahah

lmao! This is terrible!

hey if the ladder is still up in a way you can see it, I say snap a picture and if someone raises any ruckus you claim that he caught a glimpse of you sunbathing in your backyard and treat him as a creep he is so acting out to be :p

maybe that would be crossing the line

"Officer he looked over our fence and peeped at our girls!"

hehehe what "girls" is up to you to decide
I hear you, my husband says he does the same thing to keep the neighbor's avoiding looking into our yard

I keep telling him, if it was me, I might just set a bit and watch him... oh wait, I already do that!

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