Caught neighbor with ladder to look over fence!

So why not go over, eggs and/or baked goods in hand, welcome the new neighbor to the community, and casually mention "Oh, did I see a chicken coop? How great! We have chickens, too!" ....
You might make a lifelong friend, and if not, you haven't lost anything and you've still made a new neighbor feel welcome.

I'd totally go over but they don't occupy the house yet. The chickens live there but there are never any people or cars around when I'm passing by. They probably have a house somewhere that they're waiting to sell.
My be he is missing a chicken and looked over to see if you had it. I would talk to him the first chance you get to see what he is all about. That way you could have a fell as to if he is a creep or not.
Hopefully, it's been settled by now.

Even though it's a thread over a month old? I would find a good opportunity to chat with someone like them. Might be a harmless situation, might be creepy. Only one way to find out! TALK to neighbors!
I love the idea of the lifeguard chair. Personally I wouldn't mention chickens at all. Maybe he didn't see them or hear them. I do think it isn't right to climb a ladder with the express purpose of looking over your fence. If it was a typical city fence of 42-48" tall people look over it even if they aren't spying. But to climb up 10 feet to see over a fence doesn't sound kosher to me.
Keep the chickens hidden in the house for a few months, and take down the coop temporarily to hide the evidence. Then you could say "what chickens? I don't have any chickens here, come to my backyard and look."

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