Caught red handed...

All my babies have the same daddy
The only problem with hubby drinking the gravy is his lack of gravy snarfing etticut (I spelled that on purpose
). The correct way to do this is get a big ole hunk of bread and dip it in the gravy, then snarf. This allows the long gravy stain down the front of the shirt. Someone just didn't teach that boy right.

Dh and I were friends first, and, gasp! we waited till we got married, if you know what I mean.
I refuse to put him down in any way, whether the setting is public or private.
I repect him.
Husbands will rise to the occasion. Whether its being respected or disrespected.
They will behave accordingly!

And I totally get the drinking the gravy part.
I strive to feed my dh nourishing meals, and he appreciates it greatly
Your not alone, I got stuck on blood and maxi pad, and my eyes refusedto see any more words for a little bit
I leave this thread for 12 hours and I come back to madness

I will be forever scarred by the hamburger maxi-pad thing.

The gravy recipe is actually really easy, it's just the shallots that make it so good. I just take a couple big spoonfulls of bacon fat from my fat-jar that lives in the fridge, heat it, and add one whole shallot, finely diced. When it starts to get transluscent, whisk in your couple spoonfuls flour, then your stock. I used chicken stock because it was all I had.
Seriously, I am addicted to shallots, they are something special! I need to learn more things to do with them since we both seem to love the flavor.
well does anyone know what it's called?
maybe someone in the meat industry could chime in...

They are quite literally called "meat pads".

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