causes and fixes for sagging wing.


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
My two oldest gosling(about 3 months old) wings started sagging. The older one just has one wing sagging but the other has both sagging and I have a few younger ones that I would like to prevent this from happening to. I'm pretty sure since its more then one gosling it is something I am doing wrong. They have been on flockraiser since they hatched. Actually they where on chick starter the first week or two but flock raiser after that. They are now on grass full time and that's when they started to sag. It has been raining alot lately. Should I change them to adult goose feed. I feed either pennfields waterfowl pellets or hubbards duck and goose and a few handfuls of BOSS. I just want to know what I should change and what I can do to fix what had already been done.
My 4 babies' wings sag now too- but they're 2 months old. It is just because of all the blood in the new feathers that are growing I think. They are too heavy for them right now and they sag, then get tucked back up again, then sag again, on and on all day. They don't seem bothered at all. Mine are on grass all day, and eat Flock raiser or Chick starter/grower at night when they go into their night pen. I think it'll all work out fine once they are fully feathered and the wings aren't weighed down so much from blood.

My two oldest gosling(about 3 months old) wings started sagging. The older one just has one wing sagging but the other has both sagging and I have a few younger ones that I would like to prevent this from happening to. I'm pretty sure since its more then one gosling it is something I am doing wrong. They have been on flockraiser since they hatched. Actually they where on chick starter the first week or two but flock raiser after that. They are now on grass full time and that's when they started to sag. It has been raining alot lately. Should I change them to adult goose feed. I feed either pennfields waterfowl pellets or hubbards duck and goose and a few handfuls of BOSS. I just want to know what I should change and what I can do to fix what had already been done.
Are you sure it's just not because their blood feathers are coming in and they are heavy and make them sag? When my goose and ducklings blood feathers are coming in they will sag and they will adjust them again and again till they get the strength to hold them where they are suppose to be. If they are just sagging that maybe the problem, now if they are beginning to stick out from the body then it maybe angel wing. and even when my ducks/goose are foraging I always provide a balanced feed for them. I think it's especially important while they are still growing. You can google angel wing and get info about it.
Oh thank you I'm sure that's it. The older one is constantly pulling it back up the smaller one just lets them hang (i think she's just lazy) Yes i keep all my geese on grass and offer a balanced ration. I've been feeding my older geese a pellet because i think it's better (and less expensive) then Flock raiser but started putting the flock raiser out with BOSS for all of them. I would like to get the older ones on the same thing as the adults, i think the pennfields is a breeder/grower and might be better for the whole flock then Hubbard's and the younger ones I'll keep on flock raiser since they are separate. Unfortunately i only put them out when i am home and try to supplement with kale or collards or grass. I'm so afraid a bald eagle or this lovely fox that has been prowling around at 5:30 am will get them, they are in electric poultry fencing but until my husband gets that darn fox i only have them out when I'm home.

Thanks again. I was so worried i did something wrong. I did a ton of research and asked breeders a million questions before i even got the geese so i just couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong. They definitely do not have angel wing. I've seen birds with it and i made sure I fed a good feed made for waterfowl and their appropriate life stage to prevent that. I even had one breeder tell me all their birds have it by the time they are 3 years old and i RAN the other way! lol
Oh thank you I'm sure that's it. The older one is constantly pulling it back up the smaller one just lets them hang (i think she's just lazy) Yes i keep all my geese on grass and offer a balanced ration. I've been feeding my older geese a pellet because i think it's better (and less expensive) then Flock raiser but started putting the flock raiser out with BOSS for all of them. I would like to get the older ones on the same thing as the adults, i think the pennfields is a breeder/grower and might be better for the whole flock then Hubbard's and the younger ones I'll keep on flock raiser since they are separate. Unfortunately i only put them out when i am home and try to supplement with kale or collards or grass. I'm so afraid a bald eagle or this lovely fox that has been prowling around at 5:30 am will get them, they are in electric poultry fencing but until my husband gets that darn fox i only have them out when I'm home.

Thanks again. I was so worried i did something wrong. I did a ton of research and asked breeders a million questions before i even got the geese so i just couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong. They definitely do not have angel wing. I've seen birds with it and i made sure I fed a good feed made for waterfowl and their appropriate life stage to prevent that. I even had one breeder tell me all their birds have it by the time they are 3 years old and i RAN the other way! lol
Okay glad thats what it is, They can sure worry us though.. Sounds like you have done your home work.
and your very wise to not let them out if you know theres a fox close by.

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