Cayuga Drake x Fawn and White Runner Duck

Cute ducklings! I looked seeing you are in Florida, but I'm south of Tampa about an hour unfortunately. I've been wanting two ducklings for my chickens.
I live on a 20 acre farm with a pond I have 2 drake black runners and 2 female Pekin/runner mix females. The males are fighting with each other because of lack of females I guess? I would like 6 Khaki or runners or pekins? Thanks for any help.
I heard that ducks are good for guarding chickens, and Cayuga ducks are so beautiful as well.
They are good guards, but our polish rooster is actually the watchdog of the entire flock. He alerts everyone when a hawk is in the area and does his best to make sure everyone gets into cover. And with that said. Our alpha pair of runner ducks is the first to charge our dogs if they come anywhere near their area. Our German Shepherd went into the pen with me one day and they cornered her and were pulling hair, she looked at me and begged me to get her out. But ducklings can be hurt by chickens so they need to be grown, I wait until between 4 to 6 weeks to put them into a cage within their pen to introduce them, then release them around 8 weeks.

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