cayuga duck thread

I thought I had a bunch of animals, but you win. I have 26 chickens, 8 geese, 7 ducks, 5 cats, and 6 large dogs. I do plan on getting more Cayuga ducks though, I have 1 male, 3 female ducklings and want more already. Lol. Also looking to get white African geese and some brown Chinese geese. I have 4 white Chinese and 4 brown Africans, lol. I am already on the wait lists from breeders for my goose eggs next season. Now to find a good source of Cayuga eggs and I am all set.

Y'all just made me feel a lot better...I'm always getting teased about my menagerie. 4 horses, 3 boer goats, 31 chickens, 5 Cayuga ducks, 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 tanks full of fish! At least I'm not alone in this lol

My turn ,

17 dogs , 13 cats , 46 ducks , 4 geese , 1 rabbit , , 12 parrots , and 1 turtle .
I have 17 dogs, 8 cats, 13 guinea pigs, 1 rabbit, 71 chickens 12 ducks, 1 gosling and 2 goats. those numbers will be going up shortly on goats and ducks and maybe geese.
Just wanted to show off my new crew. 18 Cayuga ducklings, 3 males and 15 females. They arrived a day early so I have had to modify my plans to brood them in the duck pen since I have not moved out the geese yet. So, they are upstairs in a kennel for now. Hope to move them out in a couple of weeks. Probably better since it has been really hot here the last couple of days.
They look lovely! Can I ask which Hatchery you got them from? I got my 4 Cayugas from Ideal and I am looking to get a few more females from a different source for breeding. Yours look so healthy.
They look lovely! Can I ask which Hatchery you got them from? I got my 4 Cayugas from Ideal and I am looking to get a few more females from a different source for breeding. Yours look so healthy.
Mine are also from Ideal. I don't know how big their breeding stock is but you might give them a call to see if there is any way you could order more and get some assurance that they are from different breeding stock. Otherwise check with Metzer ( or Meyer ( they both have Cayuga ducks available sexed.
Post Script to Starfire669. They are all very healthy and, suprise to me, VERY friendly. Not at all afraid of me. In fact, I have the kennel on a table so that I don't have to crawl around to clean it and when I get down on my knees in front of them, open the door to change the water and food and towels, they all come running to me, nibble at my hands and arms and let me pet them. They almost beg to be touched. Not like my first set of ducks at all.
Mine are also from Ideal. I don't know how big their breeding stock is but you might give them a call to see if there is any way you could order more and get some assurance that they are from different breeding stock. Otherwise check with Metzer ( or Meyer ( they both have Cayuga ducks available sexed.

I was thinking of ordering from 1 of those hatcheries if I can't find a breeder with good stock. Since I only want a few, I'd rather find a private breeder, maybe of show stock, to get some females from. But I have time to keep looking, if all else fails I can order some hatching eggs and hatch them here. Might even be able to order eggs from 2 different sources to ensure they aren't inbred. Mine are only a month old, so I have time to find more to add to my small flock.

Post Script to Starfire669. They are all very healthy and, suprise to me, VERY friendly. Not at all afraid of me. In fact, I have the kennel on a table so that I don't have to crawl around to clean it and when I get down on my knees in front of them, open the door to change the water and food and towels, they all come running to me, nibble at my hands and arms and let me pet them. They almost beg to be touched. Not like my first set of ducks at all.

I wish mine were that friendly, they think I am a monster about to eat them! But they are very healthy and already accepted by my older 3 female crested ducks, the geese, and the chickens (my flocks free range together and are penned in 2 different coops at night. Chicken coop and waterfowl coop) so I guess I can't complain too much. I do plan on building a duck coop once I have enough building material and separating the ducks and geese, but for now they sleep together.
Y'all my co-op sucks the people are rude , treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about and are ugh They make me angery .

I went in to go get more start and grow and stuff like that and they asked if I had chickens . I said no ducks , then they asked how old they were I said 6 weeks and they rolled there eyes I think they were hopeing I said something stupid ,

Then I asked for flight conditioner for my Muscovys and they just looked at me like I was stupid and ugh
I just hate that store .

I've been going in there for about 12 years at least 4 times a month and they still treat me terribly .
I was thinking of ordering from 1 of those hatcheries if I can't find a breeder with good stock. Since I only want a few, I'd rather find a private breeder, maybe of show stock, to get some females from. But I have time to keep looking, if all else fails I can order some hatching eggs and hatch them here. Might even be able to order eggs from 2 different sources to ensure they aren't inbred. Mine are only a month old, so I have time to find more to add to my small flock.
I wish mine were that friendly, they think I am a monster about to eat them! But they are very healthy and already accepted by my older 3 female crested ducks, the geese, and the chickens (my flocks free range together and are penned in 2 different coops at night. Chicken coop and waterfowl coop) so I guess I can't complain too much. I do plan on building a duck coop once I have enough building material and separating the ducks and geese, but for now they sleep together.
I did see someone that had high quality show Cayuga Ducks but they were in the $150.00 each range and, of course, I don't recall who it was. As for mixed flocks. Well I have chickens, ducks and geese. I am building a completely separate goose coop, run and free range because my 3 Toulouse geese have decided that they don't want to share anymore. They are big enough that they could do serious harm to either the chickens or ducks. The chickens and ducks will continue to be together (separate coops but combined run and range) so long as they continue to get along. What everyone will do when I introduce these 18 ducks in a month or so remains to be seen.
Y'all my co-op sucks the people are rude , treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about and are ugh They make me angery .

I went in to go get more start and grow and stuff like that and they asked if I had chickens . I said no ducks , then they asked how old they were I said 6 weeks and they rolled there eyes I think they were hopeing I said something stupid ,

Then I asked for flight conditioner for my Muscovys and they just looked at me like I was stupid and ugh
I just hate that store .

I've been going in there for about 12 years at least 4 times a month and they still treat me terribly .
I stopped any involvement with co-op stores just because of that. There seem to be two factors involved with co-ops. The ones that are really serious about the cooperative model of retail and the others who are more dilettantes about the efforts and think they know everything about everything when in fact they know very little about anything. I am lucky to live near a very small town that is, in many ways, still in the last century. People are friendly, know each other by name and go out of their way to help each other...sometimes to the point of being intrusive I admit. My little local family owned feed store has most everything I need and will order anything they don't have. They are honest to their own detriment sometimes. They even will call me at home to let me know they just got in something I expressed an interest in. Much better than any co-op I have ever known.
Same with my town I live in rural Mississippi I have to drive forever to get to the co op but still I have to , maybe when I move to my bigger property with an even smaller town the feed stores won't be so rude .
I did see someone that had high quality show Cayuga Ducks but they were in the $150.00 each range and, of course, I don't recall who it was. As for mixed flocks. Well I have chickens, ducks and geese. I am building a completely separate goose coop, run and free range because my 3 Toulouse geese have decided that they don't want to share anymore. They are big enough that they could do serious harm to either the chickens or ducks. The chickens and ducks will continue to be together (separate coops but combined run and range) so long as they continue to get along. What everyone will do when I introduce these 18 ducks in a month or so remains to be seen.

My geese are babies, 18 weeks old. But I am assuming that once adult they will get territorial and not want the ducks. So making plans ahead of time to keep everyone happy and safe. My month old Cayuga ducks are happy running flock.

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