Cayuga Ducks--Are they Migratory?

Peaches Lee

14 Years
Sep 19, 2010
Well the recent trip to TSC prompts the question as they had ducklings in stock--and a note said that they were mixed breeds with possible migratory birds. So it got me thinking about how someday I would like little duckies for my pond.

I really like Cayugas because they were developed kinda close to me, their color and they seem hardy. But, are they migratory. Thanks for your help!!
From what I have read, they are non-migratory. They are more of a domesticated breed so they are less likely to fly well.
cayugas are home bodies
Maybe the source of said ducklings had some vistors to their breeding stock. Perhaps they didn't want to sell them as purebred for that reason?
Domestic mallards are migratory though. I don't think mine would know how to fly south unless it was on an airplane or something.
lots of people on here talk about how they have had mallards in times past and they have flown off to bigger and better things. I myself haven't experienced this, though my mallards do fly excellently around the mile section they return.

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