Cedar coop question...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 16, 2010
Hey all,

I know you shouldnt use cedar shavings as bedding for chickens due to respiratory issues. I recently found a cedar playhouse type of shed that would be perfect for a few chickens, except its constructed of cedar lumber. I think I already know the answer, but here goes...

would it be safe to use if I painted it or sealed it? Thanks for the help, and this site is beyond awesome.

I'm new at all this, but from the extensive reading I have done on this site the last couple of weeks, I would say the cedar on the play house is fine. You are correct that you should not use the cedar chips. If you want to apply a water sealer to the cedar siding that should be fine also, but don't think it is necessary from a safety standpoint. If I am wrong, I am sure someone with more experience will hop on the band wagon to say so. I say go for it and good luck.
If it's new, I would seal the interior, to block the fumes. Solid wood can give off fumes, just like shavings. After wood has aged and been around a long time, then it's not such a problem. When things like cedar chests used to prevent insect damage in clothes start to lose their scent, you sand the interior, to refresh them.

Your best guide is your nose. I'd say, if you can smell it, seal it. Especially since they'll be cooped up all night in there.
My coop is a re-purposed cedar children's play structure. No problem. The process of making the shavings creates lots of surface area for the cedar's aromatic oils to come out, which are harmful from a resp POV for the chooks.

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