cedar coop?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 7, 2013

I was given a coop my neighbor started to make for chickens he planned to have, but he decided not to complete the project. I have been working from this coop, expanding it, added another nesting box, etc. However, I have begun to believe he might have used cedar fencing boards. Now I am reading that cedar is toxic to chickens (reading about bedding). Does this extend to a coop partially built of cedar? Should I tear down and start over from scratch? Or will the weathering of the wood (it's been sitting outside for a year or so) remove the toxicity (if that is even possible).

I'm sorry, if these have no brainer answers!
Cedar coops are fine IMO. I would just increase the ventilation if you feel it has a strong cedar smell in it...that is what would be bad- the aromatics.

I use cedar shavings in my nest boxes to keep bugs away unless I have a broody or chicks in there (pine shavings then), and sand in the floor of the coop. Generally everyone says no cedar but I have to do something to keep bugs away from the nest boxes and it is better than insecticide.
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Thank you! Only part of my coop is cedar, including the sides and top of the nesting boxes. The floor is not. This gives me hope.
The problem with cedar is the dust from cutting and machining the wood. Cedar dust is a known irritant to the lungs and skin, so managing it is important. Once the coop is built, the dust would have settled and should not be a problem.

As far as the smell of cedar, the surface will weather over time and the smell will diminish. A coop is typically an open structure with lots of ventilation, so any odor will dissipate rapidly.

Clinical information: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8887593


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