Celadon Hatch. Day 17. Can't stop watching... Very Nervous...

Feb 17, 2021
I woke up this morning (day 17) with 5 external pips (our of 26 eggs)... but literally NOTHING has happened since. I am anxious for SOMETHING to happen... anything really 20210315_085328.jpg . Is it normal for them to break through and then stop?
Is it normal for only 5 to be pipped and 21 with nothing yet?
I am hoping I didn't do anything wrong....
Nobody told me hatching chicks would make me so anxious/nervous.
Don't stress.
If the eggs are going to hatch they're going to hatch if they're not they're not.

If you're worried about candling then then don't.
The only reason I'm telling you to candle them is so that you will know if they are still alive or if they have already died.

I'm going to just tell you what I do real quick.
I incubate quail eggs all the time.
I have excellent hatch rates.
I open my incubator 9 million times including during lockdown.
I am quick and I am steady.

You are not going to make or break this hatch by candling a few eggs right now.
Candling is just for peace of mind just so you will know one way or the other.
This is not using a phone flashlight so bear with me while I try to explain what you're looking at.

This is the fat air cell side of the egg...This is the chick pushing up against the air cell getting ready to make an external pip.

You would/should see this type of movement.
Here is another type of movement you should see...
this one has actually already made the internal pip and just made the external pip...the crack.
Also remember you must candle in a very dark room or closet. It makes a huge difference being in a dark room.

So I candled the last 14 eggs and I'm sad to sad that only 1 showed any kind of movement inside. 😔 Most you could see something dark and an air sac but nothing moving. I'm kind of sad. We left them all in... but really only think that 1 might make it now.
That stinks but you never know...Don't put them in water, just leave them alone for a day or two and see if anything happens.

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