Central Florida Silkie Lovers......Want to Share Cost of Silkies?


10 Years
Sep 23, 2012
Lakeland, Florida
I am in Lakeland and am wanting to purchase some silkies, anyone else in the area want to add to the order so that the shipping cost is split?
There are 2 month olds for $5 and the colors are blue, black , white.
I am getting a splash pullet, and there is a Partridge (red) 4 month old cockrel that his neck is a little crooked because of a neck injury when little, but a beautiful boy, he is free and other buyer(s) could have him.

There is a white Silkie pair as well.
If interested, PM me.
I don't always buy or seek SQ or BQ, I do like the ones that are different colors/ projects. Anyone else like me in the area lets team up!

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