Ceramic egg disappears... chickens not laying as much


8 Years
Aug 2, 2015
Spokane, WA
I have 3 chickens that just started laying in the last 2 weeks. Their schedules seem to be all over the place for consistency. I have additional lighting out in the coop. At first I was worried about a possible egg eater, so i put a game cam out there, but its hard to even see in the nest boxes because they're dark. But i started getting eggs every day from one and every other day from the other two. So i took the cam out. Now, i have 2 girls that are two days late... and my ceramic egg disappeared.
Any ideas?
The coop is a closed coop. I live in Northern Idaho, so the only snakes we have are gardener snakes.
Well, one of the girls that was 2 days late, just collected an egg from her (go figure.. as soon as you post something, they have to make you a liar). But that still doesn't explain the ceramic egg disappearing. And i've scoured the coop floor.
I have found golf balls and eggs that were taken out of nests, and buried in holes where the hens have decided to dust bathe. Snakes will definitely eat eggs, especially black snakes.
Glad they are back to laying! Mine from this spring haven't started yet. Well, I would have said black snake, but with none of them around, I'm at a loss as well! Let us know if you find out where it went!
Well, game camera malfunctioned, but somehow, the egg showed back up this morning between 5 and 8 am. It was sitting on the floor of the coop, on top of all the pine shavings and straw, like it had been placed there. This really has me baffled. I searched that coop top to bottom and it magically shows back up 4 days after disappearing.

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