Certain foods toxic to chickens??


I hope tomatoes are ok because I've been canning outta my garden and my scraps have been going to the chickens/ducks... They've been loving it!!!
Rockin' Reds :

My girls LOVE their tomatoes too, but watermelon is their absolute FAVORITE treat. I can barely make it into the run with the watermelon bounty before being swarmed!!

YUP. Mine love cherry tomatoes too, but not the same as watermelon. Reminds me of sharks in a feeding frenzy.
Up here in the Pacific Northwest we can't grow watermelons but monster zucchinis are almost as yummy to them.
I split them lengthwise and lay them out in the pen. The chickens will scoop them out right down to the rind.
I'm curious what they'd do with a split pumpkin?​
YUP. Mine love cherry tomatoes too, but not the same as watermelon. Reminds me of sharks in a feeding frenzy.
Up here in the Pacific Northwest we can't grow watermelons but monster zucchinis are almost as yummy to them.
I split them lengthwise and lay them out in the pen. The chickens will scoop them out right down to the rind.
I'm curious what they'd do with a split pumpkin?

If they are anything like mine, they will do the same with a pumpkin. I grew some just for fun and give them one every so often. They love it.
My chickens love love love love love tomatoes. Love them.

I hadn't thought of watermelon or zucchini. I planted watermelon this year; got three good sized melons, but I don't like watermelon. My kids have been iffy eating it. I think I'll give my girls a treat this afternoon.

You know what oddball thing they also love? If my kids don't eat all their cereal, I'll toss the leftovers out there, and they love it. That's pretty rare because my kids generally are RAVENOUS first thing in the morning.
Not sure about toxic, but my girls avoid onions, hydrangeas, garlic, basil and marigolds. They're not too fond of my daylilies and asters but they gobbled the rhubarb, which surprised me because I thought rhubarb leaves had too much oxalic acid and they wouldn't eat them.
As for the tomatoes, mine would stuff their crops to bursting with 'maters! I've got about 20 last years' canning jars of tomatoes in the basement I'm planning on giving the chickens as treats later this winter when there's nothing green available.

Any kind of squash, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, spaghetti squash, beans, corn... more yummies!
So I took the watermelon out of the fridge to take out to the chickens, after hearing how much ya'lls chickens like watermelon. As an afterthought, I tossed in about a cup of leftover macaroni and cheese. WWIII erupted over the mac and cheese, leaving the watermelon feeling hurt and left out.
MAC AND CHEESE ! Of course ... doesn't everyone love mac and cheese?
For real entertainment boilup some Mr. Noodles and leave them full length (don't use the flavor pack though, it's way too salty) The chickens are hillarious playing keep-away with foot long noodle worms.
Do you mean ramen noodles? Got lots of those. My kids went through a ramen noodle kick last year then decided they were horrible after 2 months eating nothing but ramen for lunch! I think it was some popular kid at school must have said something, and then, of course, nobody wanted to eat yukky old ramen anymore.
So I'll boil up the stale ramen minus the flavor packettes and toss them into the chicken yard and watch the fun!

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