Certain foods toxic to chickens??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Someone at my local feed store told me that you can't give chickens tomatoes because it will kill them. Is this true?? The feed store is sometimes very informative and other times they don't know squat!!
My chickens ain't dead yet and they wipe out a garden full of maters every year. We even plant extra plants in different areas of the gardens because we know the chickens are going to get to them eventually.

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My chickens found my tomatoes were very tasty too. They even decided they liked the peppers as well so beware.
My girls love tomatoes too. I think the problem with tomatoes is the foliage is somewhat toxic to them but the ripe fruit is fine. My girls were eating the foliage early in the season before there was fruit. I tried to block it off to them but they always managed to get into the tomato beds anyhow. They had runny poop so i think it was upsetting to the gastro systems but they recovered fine. I would imagine they would have to eat ALOT of the plant foliage for it to be fatal to them.
Ours are the same way. They love tomato's,peppers,greenbeans, and celery. Havent tried the watermelon yet but I'm sure it will be same result.....Gone.

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