Ceylon jungle allogroomed a Sri Lankian peacock.


11 Years
Jul 2, 2011
Interesting photoes of a adult male Ceylon jungle fowl allogrooming an adult male Sri Lankian peacock (pavo cristatus singhalensis).

Allogrooming is for removal of annoying ticks that are everywhere in Sri Lanka.

Below: Ceylon jungle fowl allogrooming the Sri Lankian peacock.

Below: In return, Sri Lankian peacock allogrooming the Ceylon jungle fowl.

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How very interesting! Strangely enough I have seen pigeons 'groom' (preen, around the head and lower neck) a white peacock before seemingly out of affection for him being a comfortable and docile perch, but I have never seen chickens or jungle fowl help groom peafowl. Looks like these two figured out they could benefit from becoming friends and helping each other.

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this. I didn't know some Galliformes were capable of allogrooming. Because the Ceylon can do this, I wonder if the Reds, Greys, and Greens are capable of the same thing. With that said, I wonder if domestic chickens can do the same too because I've never seen it.
Thanks for sharing this. I didn't know some Galliformes were capable of allogrooming. Because the Ceylon can do this, I wonder if the Reds, Greys, and Greens are capable of the same thing. With that said, I wonder if domestic chickens can do the same too because I've never seen it.
My game chickens do it as juveniles only. Interactions involve only flock / brood mates.

Did you notice peafowl give overt solicitation for service?
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Hi centrarchid,
No, I had no idea about sort of body lanaguages whose peafowls ask jungle fowls to allogroom them.

Did you tried to photo your game X red jungle rooster as it fly in midair ???
I asked for photoes of your rooster flying in midair seaval months ago.

Hi centrarchid,
No, I had no idea about sort of body languages whose peafowls ask jungle fowls to allogroom them.

Did you tried to photo your game X red jungle rooster as it fly in midair ???
I asked for photoes of your rooster flying in midair seaval months ago.


All recordings I have to date are videos made with camcorder and they are not all that good owing to light levels (see link below below and peruse). Soon I will be getting a very nice camera for work and may be able to use to to get photos more of interest to you. I am very much interested in documented behavior and trying to link body language to vocal language. I am starting to understand much of what they say which is pretty fun. Sadly, I am as yet unable to effectively "talk back".


If problems accessing, then run search on FlyingChicken1000 and search through videos. Not stills but some might be isolated from them. Flights recorded are far short of what those birds are capable of. More impressive are the longer distance flights made by birds on tougher walks where long flights made not only to avoid predators but also to avoid walking across opens areas and sometimes even to get to temporaly limited foods.
Here on the farm many of my fowl will groom each other. I've had peafowl groom my emu. Had peafowl and turkey groom each other. Chickens and ducks...although ducks are a little too rough most times. Ducks and geese. Etc... Swan and the dogs...lol... But that's another story... Seems anyone that holds still long enough and the overall mood is laid back...someone will groom you... : )
Interesting in the wild it happens also.
Here on the farm many of my fowl will groom each other. I've had peafowl groom my emu. Had peafowl and turkey groom each other. Chickens and ducks...although ducks are a little too rough most times. Ducks and geese. Etc... Swan and the dogs...lol... But that's another story... Seems anyone that holds still long enough and the overall mood is laid back...someone will groom you... : )
Interesting in the wild it happens also.
What is interesting in wild is that an individual to be groomed somehow invites another to do it. Communication in some cases may be interpsecies to enable.

Chickens )
Peafowls ) they allogrooming other each
junglefowld )
Parrots )
Emu ??? ) need data

Ducks )
Swans ) they do not allogroom other each
turkeys )
geese )
seagulls )
pheasants )

Emus and ostriches, rheas allogrooming other emus & ostriches, rhea, need datas...I do not know whether they groom or not groom other birds.

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