Did I miss something? I would like to build a new coop and run next spring and so I went over to pinterest to see if I could find a coop set up like I am planning and I keep seeing chandeliers in the coops. Is this for real?
All the years I have had chickens, I have only been worried about providing them a safe, dry and secure coop. I didn't know I had to decorate it for them as well. How the heck do they keep them clean? Wouldn't that be a fire hazard? I worry about the string of fairy lights I have in my current coop and don't use them very often because they are always covered in a layer of dust. I can barely keep the one chandelier in my home clean, let alone one in a chicken coop! I sure hope my chickens do not see any of these pictures because I doubt they are going to get a chandelier any time soon!
All the years I have had chickens, I have only been worried about providing them a safe, dry and secure coop. I didn't know I had to decorate it for them as well. How the heck do they keep them clean? Wouldn't that be a fire hazard? I worry about the string of fairy lights I have in my current coop and don't use them very often because they are always covered in a layer of dust. I can barely keep the one chandelier in my home clean, let alone one in a chicken coop! I sure hope my chickens do not see any of these pictures because I doubt they are going to get a chandelier any time soon!