Chandeliers in Coops?

Wise Woman

12 Years
Apr 12, 2011
My Cottage
Did I miss something? I would like to build a new coop and run next spring and so I went over to pinterest to see if I could find a coop set up like I am planning and I keep seeing chandeliers in the coops. Is this for real?

All the years I have had chickens, I have only been worried about providing them a safe, dry and secure coop. I didn't know I had to decorate it for them as well. How the heck do they keep them clean? Wouldn't that be a fire hazard? I worry about the string of fairy lights I have in my current coop and don't use them very often because they are always covered in a layer of dust. I can barely keep the one chandelier in my home clean, let alone one in a chicken coop! I sure hope my chickens do not see any of these pictures because I doubt they are going to get a chandelier any time soon!

I am with you! I am not a designer person. I am a good old get your boots dirty and be country. I never thought I was redneck but if chandeliers are in, I guess I might be more than just country. Lol.

I do hope my flock doesn't expect the finer things cos the finest things I have for them is a handful of worms. Lol
I thought chickens would be happy with cable tv and a hot tub, you mean they want Chandeliers too ? Tell them when they start laying GOLDEN eggs, you will resume talks with them.
I am all for making a nice looking coop, but all these chandeliers makes me laugh. I just cannot imagine cleaning them. Maybe they don't actually put chickens in these coops. Mine are going to have to make do with the kiddie pool full of dirt and sand I installed for them last fall and their string of fairy lights. And no cable TV either. They will have to make do with watching the goats for entertainment. LOL!!!
I thought chickens would be happy with cable tv  and a hot tub,  you mean they want Chandeliers too  ? Tell them when they start laying GOLDEN eggs,  you will resume talks with them.

Lol. I will remember this when mine start to get over the top in their demands!

I am all for making a nice looking coop, but all these chandeliers makes me laugh.  I just cannot imagine cleaning them.  Maybe they don't actually put chickens in these coops.  Mine are going to have to make do with the kiddie pool full of dirt and sand I installed for them last fall and their string of fairy lights.  And no cable TV either.  They will have to make do with watching the goats for entertainment.  LOL!!!

If a pool of sand and fairy lights aren't enough then send them to stay with me for a few days. I'll send them home loving their lavish home with you. Lol
When we first started looking at ideas for coops, I looked on Pinterest and saw the chandeliers in the coops, as well as other ornate decor. I thought to myself 'this is new to us, we have never raised chickens before...but chandeliers??!! In a coop???!! Is this for real?! Am I really that much of a chicken novice?!' LOL. Then we found BYC - THANK GOODNESS!!!!
Maybe an architect did that.

This is how I start an argument with my sister every time.
She is an architect, loves to show me some outrageously impractical coop ideas. I am a civil engineer, everything has to be practical and maintenance free. If she were to raise chickens, there will be music and chandelier for creating the right mood for the birds.
They do look quite cute and I see them in all sorts of coops. Metal shed coops, custom built coops, re-purposed coops. I just cannot image how you would keep all these types of things clean. Even if they aren't wired and just there for decoration, mine would be 3" thick with dust in a matter of a few weeks. To me, a clean coop is a priority and I want to spend what energy I have on necessary chores, not dusting chandeliers, pictures or other chicken decor. Perhaps my chickens are overly dusty?

I think I will keep my cute bits to the outside, where they don't need any special care. A fresh egg sign or a window box, something along those lines. I find it amusing that you used to be considered some sort of hillbilly or hippy weirdo if you had a backyard coop and now it is oh so chic! When we first got chickens almost 15 years ago, our families thought the high altitude we live at was affecting our brains. LOL!!! Funny how things change.

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