Hello everyone, just giving a small update..the same email I sent everyone in our support to change these laws...please continue helping out I hope there is some way we can have these changed asap but it all depends on people helping out and giving their straight positive email to these authorities...please do so when you can.

Thank you soo much!


Hello there everyone, You are either recieving this email due to how you were part of this great movement right here in Central FL or because you somehow are poultry related and SHOULD be included in this even if you CAN have poultry or DONT even care about this.

First off let me say sorry for not being able to give a proper update since the meeting and planning time, and I am emailing this to say THANK YOU ALL for the support you all gave us in trying to change these poultry law changes, and for also coming out to the poultry law change meeting last February 28th to initiate the proposal of trying to change these laws here in Central FL.

Due to the great support, either through Emails,
(sending emails to the board of commissioners, mayor and zoning district manager)
letters, verbal, and attendee support we have gotten very far with this movement and we might have these laws in Central FL changed very soon as others in different states have as well. We have had great support from many places/people/media, etc. including the orlando sentinel newspaper, La Prensa Newspaper and after the article of backyard poultry in the orlando sentinel, we have acquired new support...from a non profit organization wanting to help us change these laws as well !....
Please read below for more info on all the updates....

A. The Orlando Sentinel Gave support in talking about having backyard poultry in their recent article...Their arcticle was very nice speaking about a fellow person(myself I guess you can say!..only one who participated in media) having backyard poultry in a residential area but the story had nothing to "aid" in opening peoples eyes of why we should have these laws changed....I have been able to speak to the editor though about that issue and he agreed on not adding as much information but being a little too much on the "saddening". "dramatic" "informative" type of story. He does accept changing the subject to a more informative and inferenced type of story once (which he has) finished the previous article/issue....So so far it has been the intro to backyard poultry in central fl, and next should be the reasons why we need to change please stay in touch with this.

B. La Prensa Newspaper- The editor Roxana Did a GREAT job talking about myself having backyard poultry but compared to the orlando sentinel did soo much better in being informative, and realistic on the why, how and what on keeping backyard poultry...and how it is going on all around the U.S (people benefiting and have poultry in their Backyards)

C. The Florida School Of Hollistic Living-Due to having the articles come out in the media about poultry law changes we have someone else in our support and mission......
The Florida School Of Hollistic Living located in Downtown Orlando.
They are a non profit organization prepaired and supportive of being and living a sustainable life...most of all with these times of day where people need some sort of help in being sustainable as our past people where during the great depresion....just being sustainable!
Please reasearch them on (they also have a website) or read here:

D. Pompano Beach, FL Law changes-
We are happy to say that someone I know is trying very hard in changing their communities poulry laws as well. We need to give her some support as well....Like i have said in past emails; once we change our laws many counties and even states WILL change theirs due to seeing the reality of how things are and need to be...

If you migh have any comments, info, or would like some more information please do not hesitate in replying back...remember this is something we are doing for many people all around Central FL but many other people all around FL as well, so please be involved.
1.Veterans not having as much as before....they want to have poultry to at least have some eggs and also grow victory gardens.
2.economy is at its worse...people are looking for shortcuts and methods of helping out their own families.
3.Liberty- people want the same liberty as other people have in other states in being able to have backyard poultry...NOW COME ON people can have snakes, cats, potbelly pigs as pets and animals in their property without any problems...what happened to poultry!

WE just need your continuing support in continuing to send emails to the board of commisioners, zoning district manager Mitch Gordon, and the please give your support tell all the people you know to email these people!!! Just a small email saying YOU WANT THIS CHANGED! Please email these people once again as I will be personally be sending them a written letter very soon, and even send them a personal email as the way if anyone would like to forward me their personal emails to them to attach them to my written letter please feel free to do so.....

1.Zoning Divisions Manager- Mitch Gordon-Email: [email protected] and please email him here too- [email protected]
(Contact him FIRST and/or the MOST because he is the one that can change them but chooses not too!!!)

2. Zoning Divisions Supervisor- Carol Hossfield Email: [email protected]


3. District 1 commisioner- S. Scott Boyd Email: [email protected]

4. District 2 commisioner- Fred Brummer Email: [email protected]

5. District 3 commisioner- Mildred Fernandez Email: [email protected]

6. District 4 commisioner- Linda Stewart Email: [email protected]

7. District 5 commisioner- Bill Segal Email: [email protected]

8. District 6 commisioner- Tiffany Moore Russell Email: [email protected]

AND IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HELP..........................................

9. Mayor Richard T. Crotty Email: [email protected]

Thank you very much for everything and God Bless!
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Forgive me cause I am new and all this law stuff confuses me! i am in POLK COUNTY FL. We live in un incorperated part of winter haven. Behind us is city limits(my hen hops the fence, were done).

I have noticed chickens everywhere! They roam the streets like we are in a 3rd world country. NOBODY has said or done anything about them. WHICH is good for me cause i have 2 out

I even see neighbors with pigs, calfs and other livestock. Code enforcement here can't even keep up on houses let alone chickens. I even had a health inspector with polk county come out and say nothing about my chickens. Told me he worried more about the cat and dog having his shots. I FOSTER CHILDREN so i assume he would know if i had to get rid of them.

I commend you for your effort and it's a shame certain people let their chickens run wild and it ruins responsible chicken owners rights. If your chickens are in the road asking to be hit then you should not be allowed to have them! But if you have coops and keep your chickens in your yard, WHY NOT!

We love our chickens, they are family!! They give us organic free range brown eggs (4.99 at the store) They follow me around , let me pet them and sit on our shoulders.My kids love them and the children who stay in out homes find them theraputic. They love to help get eggs and ONLY want to eat those eggs.

I wish you alot of luck! If you want to email me a letter i can forward,i will. I just can't sort it out on here. ADD at it's

Peace out,
What's the latest?!? I am also an Orlando resident and would like to see this changed. I'm sad that I just found this forum now!
I am moving to The Orlando area soon. This was one
of my questions...can I keep chickens. I fought hard to be
able to keep them here, and now we are moving to a place
where I can't keep them.

We had to go through the city council to get them. We were
allowed 2 hens for every 1/4 acre of land...that is what it
came down to. I hope you can pass it. I'll keep watching.

I am moving to The Orlando area soon. This was one
of my questions...can I keep chickens. I fought hard to be
able to keep them here, and now we are moving to a place
where I can't keep them.

We had to go through the city council to get them. We were
allowed 2 hens for every 1/4 acre of land...that is what it
came down to. I hope you can pass it. I'll keep watching.


has there been any update on this? i live in kissimmee and will llike to know
Im on board too! I currently live in clermont, on the edge of the city limits. I am looking to move to Polk city/ Lakeland before the end of this year. I do not know the ordinances of Polk county or Polk city right now, but I figure whatever they may be, there is always room for improvement. I have 4 hens and 1 roo and i refuse to get rid of them without a fight!
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