Changing local law in Dyer, IN


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
I'm very new to the idea of having chickens in my backyard, but after much research (and some encouragement by my wife) I've decided I want to pursue this. My issue is that currently my city of Dyer, Indiana doesn't allow chickens. They have lumped them in with all "farm animals". I really want to get that changed here but I'm not totally sure about what to do or even good talking points. I don't want to go in to a meeting and look like a fool! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as well as anyone who is in my area that would want to help me support this would be amazing! Thanks for your time!
I moved to Dyer in January and my wife and I are also very interested in raising chickens. I know most of the surrounding areas like Lynnwood, Highland, and I believe St. John allow chickens. i think we just need to try and find as many supporters as possible and go before the town council and present a solid case as to why we want the chickens. I know from some research I've done and talking to people who have had chickens, the roosters are the problem as they make most of the noise. So, being clear to the council and community that it's just hens we want for either eggs, or in my case eggs and roasters, no roosters. Any way, we're willing to join in the cause here and support the law change.
Hey, I haven't been on here in a while so I didn't see your post! I wrote a 3 page letter to the town council describing what I wanted regarding chickens. I then went to the Town Council meeting in the beginning of May that had a Citizen Input section. I said my piece which basically was an overview of my letter. The Town Manager, Rick, said he was very impressed by the amount of research I put in to the letter and my presentation. They basically agreed to look in to the matter a lot more and most of the council members seemed pretty positive about it. I happen to kind of know one of the members through my in-laws and another member lives just down the street from me. So I think we have a good shot at this! There happened to be a member of the Time paper there and she wrote a short article about me, though she butchered some of the information and she tagged it on the website as Cedar Lake so I don't know how many Dyer residents will read it. Here's the link if you want to read it:

It's cool because it's getting some exposure, but the really cool thing is that another person from the Times was working on a story about someone in Schererville who is trying to get the law changed there and is now including me in the story. Hopefully both in print and online. If you would want to help out, emailing the council and or the town manager would help a lot I think. The more people that want it, the faster they address it for real. So anyone else you know that would want to email them too would be great!
I would love to do that, but I work construction. I'm not sure I could get away or be in a quiet location tomorrow. But I would really like to do that sometime if possible, I'm just not sure that Monday would work...:(
I'm sorry it's been a while since I've been on too. It's great to hear that the town council was receptive, and the exposure in the articles is fantastic! It's a shame you couldn't make it on to do the radio spot. But I'd like to pass along my email address so we can communicate more effectively and I can better offer my and my wife's help.
Hello! I know this is an old post. Curious if anyone got anywhere or figured out other options? I’d really love to add to our little suburban homestead in Dyer, and these rules have me stuck!!!

I'm very new to the idea of having chickens in my backyard, but after much research (and some encouragement by my wife) I've decided I want to pursue this. My issue is that currently my city of Dyer, Indiana doesn't allow chickens. They have lumped them in with all "farm animals". I really want to get that changed here but I'm not totally sure about what to do or even good talking points. I don't want to go in to a meeting and look like a fool! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as well as anyone who is in my area that would want to help me support this would be amazing! Thanks for your time!

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