Changing out water and apple cider vinegar.


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2020
Hi all! Can anyone tell me what they do with changing out chickens water and cleaning them. I have the plastic waterers that are gravity fed so new water comes out as it's used. I also put apple cider vinegar in the water. Anyone have an idea how often I should add apple cider vinegar to their water and change the water completely even if it is not all used. My thought is once a week? Thanks much!!
Hi all! Can anyone tell me what they do with changing out chickens water and cleaning them. I have the plastic waterers that are gravity fed so new water comes out as it's used. I also put apple cider vinegar in the water. Anyone have an idea how often I should add apple cider vinegar to their water and change the water completely even if it is not all used. My thought is once a week? Thanks much!!
You should change their water every day. Add ACV anytime, i give it once a week
large bottle nailed onto a plastic plate... Refillable when empty
Raise the waterer to about the level of their backs as they grow, so it's further out of the bedding. Mine goes on aboard or pavers, raised over time, and further from the shavings.
And just leave out the vinegar, plain water is best.
Ditto Dat!

I use 8 or 16oz sour cream containers filled with sand(for weight/stability) for chick waterers and feeders..
I use two plastic chick waterers and two feeders, the ones that you fill then flip over for the water (gravity), and the feeder with a spoke-like pattern. I have 6 chicks. I fill one feeder only when needed (the second one will be used later when I put them outside in chicken tractor). I have 2 waterers but I keep the second one in the utility room for rotating the next day. I fill it with only 3 cups water (because they don't drink it down) and I add 3/4 tsp Braggs ACV (1/4 tsp per 1 c). The next day I fill the other waterer then take it to the brooder pen to swap out. That one gets washed with some hand soap I have on my hands, and a sponge, rinsed, sanitized with a spray bottle of 90% water to 10% regular non-fragranced bleach, then rinsed and air dried for use the next day. Once they are mature and moved to the coop and outdoor pen, I plan on using a water barrel (because I travel) and PVC feeders. Those will probably get cleaned once a year.
from my research there is no evidence that ACV is beneficial for chickens and the only proof there exists is that it was considered beneficial for human health but again there is too little evidence to back up this claim either so ACV is just a chicken myth that has cropped up over time. There is no downside to using ACV and it has got trace amounts of vitamins and it can lower the ph of the water slightly and possibly prevent bacteria growing as much but honestly there is no proof it is beneficial in the small quantities used. I just don't really bother with ACV as many others. If there were a real benefit then I would

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