Changing position of eggs half way through incubation


6 Years
May 12, 2013
Blue Mountains, Australia
Can this be done?

I have 6 Marans eggs that were posted to me. They are now in day 6 of incubation. I candled them last night and noticed that their air-sacs are asymmetrical. Because they were posted I suspect the sacs just didn't completely reform.

They are currently laying side-ways but I'm wondering if it would help them, to be re-positioned upright in an egg carton. Give the air-sac a chance to stabilize.

One other problem in doing this is that it would be a couple of days before I could do it, because there are 4 IB's currently in lock-down in there as well.

Does it matter at what stage you reposition them during incubation?

Sumi - what an invaluable link! Thank-you so much for sending it my way!
You're welcome
Good luck with your hatch!

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