Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

I wish I had as many hens laying as you do. Not a single bird, from the quail to the ducks, are laying right now. Freeloaders. Leaving me to OGGLE over all of these eggs on auction and resist temptation.
I wish I had as many hens laying as you do. Not a single bird, from the quail to the ducks, are laying right now. Freeloaders. Leaving me to OGGLE over all of these eggs on auction and resist temptation.
Resistance is futile, so just get it over with and start bidding!
I hope people keep posting the great eggs auctions! I was planning to hatch lots of eggs this year, but we had to cull our rooster because he got too aggressive. Our younger roos are not fertilizing the eggs yet, so I'll be buying some eggs in the near future. I have 6 dozen in the incubator now, but it looks like a lot of them are not fertile. As soon as they hatch I can buy more!
2 days worth of muddy eggs. There are 70 in the basket. There were actually a half dozen or so clean eggs today, not enough to fool with except for one clean Ermine Marans egg that I was careful to keep clean so I can add it to the carton of Ermines I'm saving to set in a couple of days.

2 days worth of muddy eggs. There are 70 in the basket. There were actually a half dozen or so clean eggs today, not enough to fool with except for one clean Ermine Marans egg that I was careful to keep clean so I can add it to the carton of Ermines I'm saving to set in a couple of days.

Have you ever washed eggs with the incubation stuff and tried to incubate. I've been reading and reading and wondered if you've ever tried and if so how good the hatch rate was?

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