Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

No-one comes to our house for chickens, both for bio-security, but also we have had theft of chickens on two occasions, which freaked out DH who now says absolutely no people come to the house for chickens.
Most people, I assume, on this site are raising Backyard Chickens. I don't think that many members disinfect their clothing before feeding their chickens. Or disinfect everything that comes into their house. I understand the purpose of biosecurity, but it only works if you are super strict about it. If people aren't disinfecting everything that can possibly contaminate their coops, then claim of 'you can't come to my home because of biosecurity' doesn't hold water. If you are concerned about thieves or whatever, then that's a different argument.
The likelihood of you taking something into your own coops after say going to the grocery store is a lot less likely then if you have people over to look at your poultry that also own their own poultry. The entire idea of Biosecurity is to minimize the risks.....i really doubt that if it was just some folly all those universities and vet ag programs and cattlemens associations etc would be in suppose of it. Ever at large farms like hog farms they have biosecurity rules that you can get fired for breaking...same at cattle farms. There are also strict FDA and USDA laws on taking animals off your property and bringing them in it is not allowed. There are also strict rules on quarantine for any new animals brought onto the site.

You can lose your NPIP for removing and returning animals from your property.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion yes but it is no less fair for you to say people who want to enforce biosecurity are hiding things then it is for people who do biosecurity saying your morons for not.....most people who do biosecurity are fine with losing one or two customers because of the policy because there are 20 customers they have who are there for the policy...same with NPIP most people want NPIP and to buy from NPIP.

Bottomline is we are not waging war here and everyone has different views but remember we are all suppose to get along....putting people in a shady light is counterproductive.

i love all the BYC'ers
Eggs can be shipped Saturday, they would arrive at their destination Tuesday.
Not here they wouldnt...the post office here takes those days off seriously. If the package was sent out saturday it might arrive at the local office onsunday or monday but not one will be there to sort the mail until to the carriers until tuesday morning at i wouldnt get a package until wednesday by carrier....if i had pick up on the box maybe, really depends when they get it sorted.

i have literally seen a package waiting at the post office...cause it was delivered..went down to try to get it and they said i would have to come back the next day because it wasnt sorted yet...and that was on a normal week. i think it is definately related to how big your city and post office are. The post office in the town i actually live in doesnt even open until 12:30pm and closes at 4:30pm...i get everything held at the post office with the regular hours in the next town over.

With the -9 and -10 before windchill we have been having i want my eggs inside someplace warm as possible as soon as possible....i hope this nasty stuff is over soon. i also hope i can wait until sunday or monday to buy more eggs lol.
Most people, I assume, on this site are raising Backyard Chickens. I don't think that many members disinfect their clothing before feeding their chickens. Or disinfect everything that comes into their house. I understand the purpose of biosecurity, but it only works if you are super strict about it. If people aren't disinfecting everything that can possibly contaminate their coops, then claim of 'you can't come to my home because of biosecurity' doesn't hold water. If you are concerned about thieves or whatever, then that's a different argument.
The idea that if I can not be 100% biosecure that I should do nothing is just absurd.
It seems like the post office has MOREholidays than the rest of us! Who gets off from work for Presidents Day? I'm lucky to get Thanksgiving and Christmas. No point in putting up any auctions today. Omelet anyone?

Edited: Sorry, I'm editing this because what I wrote was mean spirited and I was very angry. I shouldn't have said that and I shouldn't have said it in that way. (Goes to show that being on the Internet when you are angry is never a good thing) I've just felt that the past several pages of this thread have been lecturing the small flock owner on how they are "doing it wrong". I got upset by what I thought was an attack on another another member and I shouldn't have done that. For one thing, it probably made the member I was defending feel very uncomfortable. I'm very sorry, I shouldn't have done it.
I'm sure you all feel that you are doing the best for your flock, and are trying to be helpfu to others.
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I have nothing to do with this conversation and I'm the furthest thing form Bio-secure. I live next to an elementary school and kids give stuff to my chickens all day long at recess. But I just wanted to say I didn't feel berated at all. Someone asked a question and everyone gave their opinion. Some people felt strongly about their opinion and others didn't but no one said you had to follow these my way or else. No one continuously pushed their idea onto me. The debate continued back and forth like normal, but I don't think we need to say we were berated in any way. Also what would you call it when you're attempting to achieve bio-security if not bio-security?
I actually do change my clothes and shoes!
Even though I know it's impossible to completely isolate my flock, I do what I can.
When I go to somebody's place I wear clean clothes and especially clean my shoes.

Non-chicken people do not worry me quite as much because the have no chicken diseases on them.
I've had some of my neighbors 'drop by' (unannounced) but they have no birds.

Before I was NPIP when I did bring in some new stock, they were isolated for 2 months. Most of my stock where brought in as eggs (from NPIP).

I can't keep wild birds and animals away completely. But, I can NOT leave food out to attract them.
Also, I try to keep my flock resistant through feed and housing, etc.

I am new to chickens, going on two years this spring. However, I have studied and tried to learn. And seek out people who are more knowledgeable and have been doing this a while.

Took the NPIP tester class ... so I can do testing. Also had my flock tested and certified. When the state Vet came here she put on clean overalls and boots too.

The state Vet's office and Clemson University are great sources of information. And Dr. Helms over the SC small flock program is very helpful.

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