cheap feed

From birth to death about 6 months. I have read some Comercial hog growers have the science down so well some can do it in 4.5 months.
If you are going to raise them feed them a good grain ration and lots of vegtable matter. I recomend no gargage food. When it comes to pig food when they say garbage in garbage out it realy means it. When you feed them crap you might as well buy it from the store and save yourself time and money because it will taste like store bought.
.50/ lb is live weight. You get from 140 to 170 lbs dressed meat depending on what nonstanderd parts you take home( head, organs, hocks, ect).
we don't have feed mills up here in Maine either. About the only Maine grown grain you can get is whole native oats grown "upcountry" in potato country (also known as "The county")
Anyone know where I can buy feed cheap I'm in sonoma CA willing to drive to buy a ton if I can get a good price have about 25 chickens

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