Cheap foie gras burgers in France for Christmas(goose related item)

There are people in the US and in Europe producing foie gras without force feeding. The geese and ducks get to 'graze' and pick what they eat.

The feeding the ducks do get, lasts about a second, and they do not gag on it or explode. It's not painful for the animals to have a fatty liver, a vet interviewed said it is normal for birds to store fat in the liver. he also offered the animals are not stressed. There are videos of the ducks crowding around to be fed - the vet says their throats are tough, and it causes them no stress.

So there are choices - no, foie gras from natural rearing, or traditional with the feeding, and feeling like it's not stressful to them.
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Sorry, not convinced. Still won't eat it.

Do we REALLY need to eat the fatty livers of ducks and geese? Or better yet, duck tongues?


I do enjoy eating different foods, but there are a few I will not touch; foie gras and veal are two off the top of my head........
Food was put on this earth to be eaten. I will try anything once, except balut
I am so happy to see someone here with some sense!

Me too. At least in this thread. Fois Gras has been around for centuries. I am sure that Henry the VIII didn't use todays methods as alot of producers don't now. The art of fois gras is sacred.
I am so happy to see someone here with some sense!

Me too. At least in this thread. Fois Gras has been around for centuries. I am sure that Henry the VIII didn't use todays methods as alot of producers don't now. The art of fois gras is sacred.

Yes ma'am! He probably stuffed the feed in a piece bamboo down a duck's throat and blew into it really hard.
Me too. At least in this thread. Fois Gras has been around for centuries. I am sure that Henry the VIII didn't use todays methods as alot of producers don't now. The art of fois gras is sacred.

Yes ma'am! He probably stuffed the feed in a piece bamboo down a duck's throat and blew into it really hard.

I guess thats funny to you...
Yes ma'am! He probably stuffed the feed in a piece bamboo down a duck's throat and blew into it really hard.

I guess thats funny to you...

I actually did get a pretty good laugh out of it!
I do love Barbacoa, which is basically cheek meat from cattle. I am very cautious where I get it though. Some of the "authentic" Barbacoa has the eyes, and god knows what else in it! My wife loves menudo which has cow tripe in it, but I steer clear of it!

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