Check out my new website

It looks like you have a good start.
Great start,,, I really like the's interesting and unique....I would suggest doubling the size of the pages....the looks a bit short when I look at it with my Explorer7 browser..which most people do... that way you can increase your font size and make it a bit easier to read........ add a photo or two to the home page or some sort of clipart to draw interest and make people want to go further...somthing that gives a hint as to the focus of your site.........I like it..........and I think it has great potential...the color is good....a website can speak a lot about a person...and you are definately off to a good start.......I worked what seemed like forever on mine and I feel your pain~....

getting outside ideas is smart.... I did the same thing...after you look at it 1000 times you lose focus and outside oppinions I really took to heart~ Good Luck!..

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