You know, I am now jealous!!! I have had all my chickens since April 3rd and I have recieved about a dozen eggs, all together. No joke. Right now I would barter with my chikens for some small eggs or if they would lay wooden eggs I wouldn't care, if they would just give me some eggs.

The eggs are really fun for the kids, it's like they get a little present every time they find one. I think my daughters favorite thing is to check for them, she probably asks 20 times a day.
That sucks, My chickens were born on Apr. 6th. I have probably had 5 or 6 dozen already, from 11 hens. There was one full week where I got no eggs after I switched to a cheaper feed. I switched back and have beend getting 6 or 7 eggs per day since.
Holy Toledo! That's quite an egg!
That sucks, My chickens were born on Apr. 6th. I have probably had 5 or 6 dozen already, from 11 hens. There was one full week where I got no eggs after I switched to a cheaper feed. I switched back and have been getting 6 or 7 eggs per day since.

I have 18 hens that are and should be of the age to be laying eggs. I told them (the hens) that in the Spring I wanted to be paid "back eggs", meaning they best lay me 2 a day. I feed mine the WINNER feed I have always fed them that. Everyone here feeds that since that's what the little feed store here carries. They also get veggie and fruit scraps from the kitchen.

But I would settle for wooden eggs right now. I am pulling out my hair trying to figure out why they aren't laying

I have even walked the property that we have fenced in for them (1/2 acre) to see if they were laying eggs in a corner somewhere, but NOPE not one egg! None! Notta! Zilch!
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