Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hello there! I've mostly been a lurker here, but this site has been fantastic for me. It's given me so many bits of good advice as well as smiles and laughs. I've been growing my flock, I previously lived on a pretty small property and only kept up to 8 birds at a time, and usually less. But just a couple months ago, I moved to a much bigger property and am now expanding my flock! I started by bringing in 8 more chicks, and I've bought an incubator to try my hand at hatching eggs in the near future! I'm going to massively expand the flock and the coop. I'm even thinking of raising some other types of poultry like quail or guinea hens since I have the space now. I'm kind of bad about posting updates sometimes, but whenever I need to gush about some new exciting thing with my flock with people who understand, I know where to go! I love this forum and I love hearing from all the kind, chicken-loving people who keep it all alive.
Nice. Nothing wrong with lurking and good to know you're finding useful info!
Hello! We hatched out 3 chicks in the fall who all turned out to be hens, Score! One is super friendly, she runs over to me chatting, does the submit pose and lets me pet her. I'm in Ohio so as the weather changes I add shade cloth and roll up plastic....Trying to keep it cool in the warmer temps for them.
Welcome back! Wow, how awesome! What breeds are they?
I love byc and do look up handy info from time to time but I've been busy with my baby /family things so not had much of a minute to check out byc as often as I use too. I have still been loving my Silkies though! 11 currently. I've had quite a few hatches, sold lots. And now venturing into hatching some Araucanas, 6 shipped eggs under one of my girls a couple days ago. I'm hoping for at least 1 hen to cross with my silkie rooster. Blue eggs will be a nice addition to my egg basket!
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That's one floofy haircut. LOL!

Ya, balancing family life with all the other stuff sounds can be quite the adventure. It's great that you've continued to enjoy your Silkies and even ventured into Araucanas—blue eggs will indeed be a great addition to your collection. How are the eggs doing so far? Can't wait to hear more about your hatching adventures! Welcome back to BYC!
Hi, thanks for reaching out. Sadly, I no longer have chickens since last June. It was sad parting with them, but had to sell them when told that my parents' house I've lived in for past 17+ years is being sold by my mother's guardian to help pay Medicaid back. My mom has been living in a nursing home since March 2020, and is in late stage of Alzheimer's. I don't know where I'm going to live, so don't know if I can ever have chickens again, though I hope someday in the future I can have some. For now I need to worry about finding a place to live and improving my physical and mental health.

Best wishes to all,
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you get your ducks in a row. I'm praying for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Chickens do a lot for those, but you can enjoy others' birds while working on other things. Best of luck!

Thanks for reaching out! Everybody is doing alright over here just been busy working lately, still posting vids of the ducks on tiktok @johnsducks posting at least one short video of the ducks every few days
Your ducks and puppy look so happy! How well do they get along?

Good to have you around, even if it's just a quick update! Welcome back!
No chickens for a little while, still looking for a farm to buy and start over- but not at THESE silly prices !
I come on from time to time.
Oh, exciting! Ya, searching for the perfect farm at the right price seems to definitely be a challenge. What kind of setup are you hoping to have once you find your farm?
Hello everyone, I'm still on the right side of the dirt. Moved out of Cali and am now in Colorado.
Currently have a flock of Bielefelders, Barnevelders, Welsummers, and New Hampshires. They been giving out more eggs than we can deal with so have been blessing the neighbors and people we know with fresh butt nuggets.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Wow, what a beautiful flock!!!

It sounds like Colorado is treating you and your flock well! It's great that you're able to share the bounty of eggs with your neighbors. How are you settling into the new place? It’s great to hear from you—stay on "the right side of the dirt" and keep those updates coming! ;)
We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)

Please forgive me, but I had completely forgotten about this group.

I don't have any chooks at the moment, as I became homeless in Feb last year and the only animal that got to come with me was my black kitty, who is 16yo (The other Kitty's in my pic have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, either to old age or an untreatable illness) I have only just landed back on my feet and am now living in a nice home in a nice town.

I do plan on getting a couple of hens, as I do miss fresh eggs, but I need to make sure my yard is secure first.
I got so nostalgic when I got the message to check in. My story isn’t as happy though. It has been a little over 3 years since we had chickens. Our HOA at the time decided to throw a fit about our chickens…long story and I think I posted about it. Can’t remember now but we were allowed to have them when we bought them. We ended up giving up our chickens and moving. We couldn’t have them at our new house.
We have moved again and can now have them, but our yard is tiny. Our neighbors behind us have chickens and we enjoy watching them!
It’s great to hear from you, though I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you've had with keeping chickens. :(

It sounds like you've been through quite a bit with the moves and the HOA issues (such a pain!). It's good to know you're in a place now where chickens are welcome again, even if space is a bit limited. Watching your neighbors' chickens must bring some joy! Do you have any plans to try keeping a smaller flock yourself, now that you can have them again? Our BYC community definitely has some great ideas around raising a few hens in a "comfy" small area.
Hi, thanks for checking in. It’s been a while since I’ve been on this site. I’m still raising rainbow layers based on the Penedesenca and Ameracauna from Cackle hatchery. Here’s a pic of my latest egg colors, including a fully double egg.
Wow, I'm SUPER jealous of that perfect rainbow of eggs!!!! Ya, a double yolker is always a fun surprise. I love telling people about their existence... and they are often surprised it's even a thing.

How are your chickens doing lately?

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