Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hi all, been so busy lately I haven't had much time to sit down!
We have ten chickens now in two different enclosures.
A pair of Ayan Cerami, a Lavender Arucana, a Silkie mix, three blue eggers, a light Sussex, a Laced Wyandotte x Silver Spangled Hamburgh, and a Silver Spangled Hamburgh!
That's a nice bunch of chickens!! Glad you are doing well there!
Yes, we are still here living our busy, but now retired, life. Still learning as we go. We finally have learned more about buying young chicks and keeping a brooder. We also learned that, despite the seller's assurance that all the chicks are hens, we still end up with roosters!
I do have photos, but since I had to swap to an iPhone in order to continue to use my hearing aids with my phone, I have yet to figure out how to manage music and pictures with my PC.
I will visit later and update my story.
Congrats on your retirement!

Oh yes, they are never all just pullets nearly anywhere you get them. ☺️

We'll look forward to seeing pictures! Thank you for popping in! :frow
I haven't been active on BYC since the fall, just distracted elsewhere with life: Getting settled in after the move to a new farm and all the upgrades and adjustments (inside and out!) that requires, new grandbaby for whom I get the blessing of babysitting 4 days a week, winter care and feeding of the usual livestock and a new batch of feeder pigs, sudden and extreme family drama, and increasing and troublesome health and pain issues.

Currently, I'm in the midst of completing a hoop coop for growing out chicks, hatching chicks, kitchen remodeling, new huge chicken run and camper-coop under construction, and rounds of doctor appointments - around the babysitting schedule. So very, very busy still, but I'm finding some time to check in once in a while.

I still have my heritage flock of about 42 chickens, including 3 very well-behaved roosters (lucky me!) --- my tiny American Bresse flock trying to get started, including one mean d!ckh*d rooster, three hens, (7) one-week-old chicks, and 12 more Bresse eggs in the incubator --- and (8) ten-week-old Easter Eggers and (2) unidentified rescue chicks still in the 'Nursery Coop'.

Whew. Each day is a challenge! And a blessing.
Wow! you have been very busy!

The Bresse flock should be a fun project. They do lay a lot of eggs for a primarily meat bird.
Hello! I haven't been active in a long time, due to school. All my ducklings have hatched safely, and they are quiet big now! Thank you for all the support and help this website and all its amazing members gave me! <3
Nice update!

I am very happy to hear that the Ducks are doing well.
Hi everyone. I'm from Istanbul, Turkiye. I have joined this forum to find answers to my questions about chickens. I think it was 4-5 years ago. On one day, stray dogs climbed over my fence and slaughtered my poultry expect one. Since then, I don't pet chickens. I will plan to pet again when I move to somewhere free of stray dogs.
Everyone, take care of yourself. Have a good day.
Hiya! And thanks for popping in. So sorry about the chickens. :(

In the U.S. we have what's called hardware cloth and use the 1/2" version which keeps everything out. Electric poultry fences work too if you can get those. Good luck and hopefully someday you can have safe chickens again!
We have been super busy, lol. We have over 25 chickens (ya know that chicken math:) We've been incubating chicken and duck eggs for others as well as ourselves, and brand new to beekeeping. We've added two beehives to our "homestead" and are excited to watch this new addition blossom.

On top of our 6+ year old flock and all the one-year-olds and juveniles, beehives, family is growing (grandkids), I've been prepping our 1600+ square feet garden. Super ready for the warmer weather now!
Whoa, that's one huge garden! I bet that's fun at harvesttime. Ours is just a small one.

We also incubate and so glad to hear you're successful with it. It just does not get old!! ❤️
Checking in here too. Hope everybody is doing well.

Life has changed a lot for me since I joined this forum. I moved several years ago. Unfortunately ever since then my incubator has been sitting empty. Wanting to get some chickens again this year but I don't know if that'll happen. Don't have nearly the space that I used to. I'd have to keep the flock pretty small. I know how difficult it will be to only hatch a few a year when I'm used to hatching hundreds every year.

I have currently shifted my main hobby focus towards beekeeping. Been keeping bees long before I started hatching chicks. Bees do not require fencing and daily chores so right now it makes more sense for my limited free time. I have most of my bees in outyards which also works better for the limited space at home here.

So many hobbies.... So little time.
I too have a much smaller flock! It is so much easier to keep up with and having big feeders, the daily work is minimal.

I hope that I can get into beekeeping too one day!
We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
Hello! We were new to chicken keeping in 2017. Still have some of our first girls. Now we are into showing and raising Phoenix. We also care for a Black Spanish Heritage trio, calls, ducks, Sebastopol geese and more chickens!
We recently just moved. Going to have to start from scratch with chickens at the new place.

It should go so much smoother now as we know what we're doing.
Congratulations on the move!

It sounds like you are busy with setting up the new place but implementing the changes from what you have learned will be a blessing.

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